Part 42: Cocky As Ever

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Last night definetly sucked. Izuku has no words to describe it, since his vocabulary was limited to bearly above average.

The government of Japan really is flawed in so many ways.

Saying that Izuku will make a grave mistake if he doesn't hand Eri over to them, and even trying blackmail, this didn't sit well with him.

Although he does hold himself accountable as to the reason of this crisis, and wants to help, but it all depends on a certain factor...

Waking up after a good nights rest, Izuku had realised he overslept for his usual morning routine.

This usually never happens, it might be some sort of defense mechanism.

Now that sounds laughable, a Hanma body trying to sleep for a longer period of time just so it could skip training.

It does sound absurd, but Izuku was pushing his training to even greater lengths.

Right after school, Izuku usually never has any free time. Once he comes home, it's training till bed time.

The term 'overtraining' does not apply to him, since Hanmas have exceptionally fast regenerative abilities.

Injuries that might take months to recover will heal overnight, that's how broken they are.

But since Baki had openly admitted that Izuku trains even harder him, it might be a possiblity.

I guess even Hanmas need a day off.

It was decided, he'll take the day off.

Leaving his bedroom and entering the kitchen, he realised the food was already served.

" Good morning!"

Eri screamed loudly, having her mouth full with the food on the table.

How the government acted, her safety might be in jeopardy. Considering the intruders knew where they lived, they probably ratted out their location aswell.

It's definetly a problem, and if the government really takes it to a point where they visit their home, or even worse, raid it, there's no holding back.

Although he's uncertain, Izuku doesn't really like killing, most people just do their jobs as they are told, that's what he understands.

The problem is Baki. With the strength he possesses, having Eri taken away would be like a fantasy, a dream that would never come true.

Baki hates intruders, as if it's a passion for some reason. Izuku's afraid that there might be another bloodbath once it happens.

" Hey Eri, enjoying the food?"

She nodded, her mouth was full with the goodies on the table.

Izuku couldn't lie, the food does look delicious.

" The government really got you, Izuku."

Ah, he guessed that Baki was watching the news, since he could faintly hear the TV in the distance.

" What do you mean?"

He followed pursuet to where Baki was sitting..

" Take a look."

Izuku immediatly laid his eyes on the TV. Each passing minute, his anger seemed to boil intensively.

Hell, he could even feel his demon back activating as if it was instinct.

" The U. A student, Izuku Midoriya, the one who killed 34 intruders, including Overhaul, is now suspected to have a cure to those who were hit by the quirk erassing bullets. The government politely asked for his help, but he refused."

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