Part 34: Lone Wolf

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[7 Days Later]

Finally, the yearly U. A school festival was about to take place.

With all of the students having already made their plans, they eargerly waited.

After all, it's one of the best ways to show your prowess to the world and the heroes.

Some of the contenders sometimes tend to take this way too seriously. This event usually grants fame even before becoming an actual hero, making it far easier to become wide-known.

" Lets get this over with."

Izuku was one of the few that bearly had any joy in the matter.

He still wants to become a hero, his way of course, but this is an event that makes a hero.

Although if the hero committee saw a glimpse of his strength, they'd straight up make him one.

So, with the delicious bacon and eggs that Baki made clouding his mind, he ventured to the school.

Loads of buses were waiting near the school gate, it was almost time for the festival.

If he's not wrong, there are 5 classes in total.

Class 1-A, 1-B, 2-B, 3-A, 3-B.

" From what i know, all of class 2-A was expelled."

He has heard the rumor of Aizawa expelling an entire class.

" What the hell did they do to Aizawa?"

Izuku was displaying his thoughts out loud.

Nevertheless, he made it to his class.

Upon entering, he realised he was the last one to come. Although it was a bit early for classes to start, Aizawa was already explaining everything to everyone.

" You finally made it."

Aizawa spoke withoutht changing his dull tone, like always.

" Yeah, class still hasn't started, so don't blame me."

Izuku simply responded. It's best to always show up early for everything, but since it's him, Aizawa didn't mind.

" As i was explaining, although it is a simple free for all, it's best to play as a team. "

Aizawa gave them a few tips to have a higher chance to make it to the top. But most of them already asked the seniors, so this was already common knowledge.

" First place doesn't matter, all that matters is to perform well for heroes to take notice. "

That's what everyone is already going for. With the big 3 existing, first place is already out the window.

" Also, do not be a lone wolf, everyone  usually targets them right from the start. "

Everyone knew that aswell. Even Shoto and Bakugou, who find it best to work alone understood that they definetly need a team to survive.

As much as some still can't get used to Togas company, she was still invited into a certain team, more people the better.

The clock finally struck at 8.

" Alright, everybody to the busses." Aizawa informed.

Every single class had left at the exact same time.

As for those who do not go into the hero course, sadly, this was an event they could not participate in.

Only the 5 existing hero classes had a chance to display themselves at the end of the school year.

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