Part 15: A New Student?

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" What should we do? I'm bored!" - Himiko Toga squealed in the bearly lit room/bar.

" Quiet down." - Shigaraki hissed.

The villains hideout, or even if you could call it that, it was just a bar. Kurogiri, Shigaraki, Twice, Dabi, Spinner, Mr. Compress and Magne, everyone was present in the scene.

Having stayed low for a while, they wanted some action back into their life, any type of action, to atleast get their bodies pumping.

" But i'm really bor--" - Forcibly stopped in mid wording, a huge gust of wind blew right into her, the force was huge, being strong enough to push her back a few feet.

In fact, every one of them were pushed back slighly. They had to take a second to comprehend what just happened, but it was too late...

All Might crashed their party, showing his taunting presence to all of them. But unluckily for the villains, he did not come alone. Kamui woods appeared right from behind All Might, ready to test his new move on the bunch of evildoers.

" Chain Prison!"

[Some Time Back]

" Found ya! " - Nezu exclaimed in joy.

The white mini bear finally succeded in pinpointing the area where the recording originated from. It came to a shock that it was in fact very close to U. A. For personal knowledge, it was a few blocks from Kukuroo Mountain.

" After this, all that's left is to let Izuku free." -  Withought a doubt, The hardest part will be meeting him again. ' I just hope he hasn't changed that much.'


' That had to be Izuku..' - Aizawa thought to himself. ' But his body structure and height were completely different from before.' - For a measly 5 months, such a change wasn't seen as being possible for Aizawa.

' But who else could that be? The green hair and the freckles, not to mention him cracking his hand like that.. ' - He thought. ' It's definetly him. '

What he saw, undoubtablely, he knew it was him. But also that raised some questions for the man. There's 19 months left till Izuku would be set free. He thought at first that he got out because of good behaviour, but the prison he was sent into doesn't follow those kind of rules.

" Did he escape?" - That was the only possible solution he could come up with. " But it was stated even All Might couldn't escape the prison, even withought quirk cancelling cuffs." - And his solution was quickly brushed off.

The thought of the warden simply letting him go didn't pop up, since, is there a reason he would be let go like that? Even if someone is proven innocent, they are still to be seated in there until further notice.

Then his phone started ringing. The person who has his number is Nezu, only Nezu, so he knew who called. Perfect timing couldn't be any better.

' Maybe he did escape.' - After all, Izuku is smart. He could ask Nezu to Inform Tartarus about Izuku, to ask them if he had left.

Luckily, there was doubt in his mind. The last time they met was 5 months ago, and how they met and how he reacted to them was astounding.

The sadness in Izuku's eyes wasn't fake that day, he was truly emotionaly distressed. He has no idea as of now, if Izuku truly is innocent or not. He doesn't know if it is right or wrong to inform Nezu about the boy.

" Hello?" - Aizawa picked up. " Took you long enough." - Nezu hates people who pick up on the last second.

" What is it?" - Aizawa asked. " I just got a lead on where the league of villain reside, and we'll need you if things take a turn for the worse." - Nezu replied.

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