Part 46: Slimy Bastard

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Heyo, i'm back. Feeling a bit down cause my first story literally got reduced to atoms.

Atleast this gives me a chance to rewrite it, but it's gonna be a while cause i have my hands on this story and my other solo leveling + end of the world story.

Feel free to join, new people are always welcome.

" This is the first time i'm doing something like this, so please don't expect professional responses."

The moment he opened his mouth, countless questions had already filled the room with non-stop rambling.

' Damn it.'

The room was filled to the bone with reporters looking for answers, it would have been a miracle if chaos hadn't ensued right from the start.

Cameras were pointing at him from all directions. Just one wrong word and everything might go downhill.

" One at a time."

A little bit loudly, he tried to calm everyone down.

And they did, Izuku just emits intimidation.

" Or better yet, just one of you ask the questions, i'm pretty sure you're all here for the same thing."

As much as they hate to admit it, everyone was here to ask the same exact thing.

" Then, can i?"

A middle-aged man, fairly built, asked if he could be the questioner.

" Yeah, go right ahead. "

" Well, first question, are you a good person?"

Izuku expected questions about the antidote scandal to come right away, but he guesses they are saving them for last.

" Saying i am probably wouldn't be true, since i have killed people. All i'll say is that i will kill or hurt others if i have to. "

" Then, did you have to kill those intruders in the arena? Couldn't you just have subdued them?"

Many wanted to hear his answer. After all, the way he tore through their flesh with his bare hands was like that of a psychopath.

" They killed my mother, that's more than enough reasons as to why i killed them. "

"... That may be true, but one of the intruders informed you that your mother was in their hands, implying she was alive. Care to explain that?"

It was true, he was informed Inko was in their hands, presumably still breathing.

The way Izuku acted knowing they had his mother as hostage raised many questions.

" I knew they were Overhauls underlings the moment i saw them in the arena, i have encountered him before."

" That still doesn't answer the question."

" What i'm saying is that i know how Overhaul acts. The moment i heard my mom was in their hands, i already knew she was most likely dead. "

Izuku already had an understanding of Overhauls character the first time he met him, but most of his knowledge comes from Eri.

The reporters were not satisfied with the answers, but it's not like they can do anything about it.

For a teenager who is suspected to be a villain by the majority of Japan, he's way too calm.

" Even so, you brutally massacred over 20 people, some of them were even suspected to be under the age of 18. Heroes subdue villains, not kill them."

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