Part 56: A Turning Point

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" You're telling me I failed?!"

After a deep thought process, he came to a painful realization.

Living an independent life, hunting his own food, training and getting counseling from the former strongest, he didn't change one bit.

Physically, there's definitely a big improvement, Yujiro was even surprised by the ridiculous rate of growth.

Mentally, barely a change.

But at the end of the day, Izuku couldn't find a reason for a change.

He's already killed countless people, even more if that's including the nomus, all without a shred of doubt in his head.

Is it because those people had a reason to be killed?

The yakuza members, who killed his mother, they definitely deserved it.

The nomus, who were former humans but turned into puppets without free will, death should be a gift to them, it ends their suffering.

Even the animals had a reason to be killed.

In the forest, it's either kill or be killed, eat or be eaten.

That's the rules of the forest, Izuku simply respected them.

A mindset like this should already be enough to satisfy Yujiro, but something seems amiss.

He showed no hesitation when confronted by the wildlife, only on the first day, so what's wrong?

What did he do wrong?

As confused as he is, Yujiro did not give him an answer.

Just a blank look of anger radiating murderous intent was noticeable on Yujiro's face.

Izuku immediately backed off to gain distance.

Rather than heading head on, he tried to think of a plan.

It's an indesputable fact that Yujiro is stronger, more durable and even faster than Izuku.

Heading on is suicide.

Yujiro's quick thinking might as well be on another level as well.

He's experienced way more fights than Izuku, his fighting experience is definitely at the pinacle.

There's nothing Izuku could really do to make this a fair fight.

And something finally clicked in his head.

" I get it now."

Izuku was worried for a second there.

' So that's the final test?'

Something definitely clicked in his head, but it seems he does doesn't want to say a thing to the viewers.

' To see how well I do against an opponent I have no chance at winning?'

Considering it's Yujiro, this is definitely a test he would come up.

Life isn't going to be filled easy tasks. At least once in your life, a task that seems impossible will pop up out of nowhere.

Most would just give up, but Izuku ventures on.

If he does give up, that means he's giving up his life.

He has no other choice but to prove that the impossible is possible.

His mind is finally clear now from that sudden rational thinking.

Izuku clenched his fists, calmed himself down and is finally ready to battle.

' Then I'll prove it you it's possible.'

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