Part 50: New Move

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Welp, my bad guys. I have so much shit to do cause I have been skipping a lot of my classes just cause I wanted to and the work finally pilled up.

I literally have to do weeks or months of work in a matter of days. Not to mention I'm ill.

As new anger arose, he managed to overcome both the gravity quirk and the chains.

All For One was at a loss for words as he levitated above the ground, thinking of a plan. 

The barrier had been broken. All For One is vulnerable without it.

Still, simple punches aren't enough for him to fall, he can tank a few. But he's not going to risk it, given the new circumstances.

For some reason, a new monster inside Izuku arose. A monster born from new hatred. 

Already having god-like instincts, strength, agility, speed, they all evolved a level further after getting a huge burn mark on his chest.

Not to mention, his head is clearer than ever. 

The only person with a disadvantage is All For One. His best defense quirk has basically been nullified. 

Even so, this isn't going to stop him whatsoever. A man harboring huge quantities of quirks isn't going to cry just because one of them had been deemed useless.

All For One is thinking that way, yet he can't seem to gather the courage to look Izuku in the eyes as hovers above him.

There's still a few nomus lying around the vicinity, but too few for a plan. 

' The more I hurt him the stronger he becomes. That's bullshit.' - Says the man who can steal quirks.

His next trail of thought was interrupted as Izuku started fighting the remaining nomus.

It didn't make sense whatsoever. With barely any nomus left, the boy should already know they aren't a threat in the slightest.

As the last standing nomu fell, Izuku quickly grabbed it by the arm, and suddenly threw it to All For One.

It was not a big deal, the thrown body wouldn't even budge All For One. 

As All For One moved out of the way, he never expected to see a knee so close to his face.

Not only did Izuku manage to obscure his vision with the nomu , he also managed to guess in which direction he would dodge. 

The knee connected straight to the face. 

All For One let out a big grunt. With the pain, All For One had to land on the ground. 

The pain was severe, and at the same time, it broke his nose. 

" Ugh! Was this your plan? For me to land on the ground?"

It didn't take long for it to heal, his healing quirks be buggin.

Izuku gave no time for All For One to ascend from the ground once more. For a split second they managed to lock eyes, and the interaction was far more scarier than one could imagine.

One of them was tainted with a hint of fear, while the other was tainted with uncertainty. 

' There's no harm in trying. '

Having been hit by the laser, his head seems to be clearer then ever. Or at the least it was forced to go into overdrive. 

His battle concentration is on another level.

With this, something came up in his head. 

Izuku used the Gokiburi dash to his fullest. 

All For One has already experienced this move prior, so it was no surprise. 

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