Part 24: A Duo Nobody Expected

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It's been too long. Nejire has been resting in the nurses office for way too long. Her friends, Mirio and Tamaki are always visiting her every few hours, hoping to cheer her up.

It was working, but not enough to make a difference. But after a little incident, it has gotten worse. Izuku visited the nurses office, but not for her. Granted he didn't even know Nejire was there at first, but he later sensed her.

He was there for Kirishima. The way Izuku talked to him, it wasn't as if he was talking with a friend.

Time was passing ever so slowly for her, being seated at her bed all the time. But, even she knew this had to stop, it had to change.

" I know what you..." - Mirio said, before changing the sentence. " What we did to him." - Mirio said.

" But you know this has to stop." - He made a good point.

" Nothing's going to change if you don't do anything. " - Mirio added.

Nejire told her 2 friends about the incident, about how she hid away from her ex out of fear of what's to come.

" Hiding is the same as doing absolutely nothing." - Mirio quoted." If you don't confront Izuku, you know what might happen." - The boy added.

Basically, all her confidence seems to drop when she's near Izuku, or even when she hears his voice. But with a little boost from Mirio, she started to change.

" You're right." - She said, getting out of the bed she's been lying for so long.

" I'll... Meet him today." - She stammered a bit. His words definetly sparked the fire back in her, but was it enough? " Maybe i'll go meet him now." - She said, with some confidence.

" There she is." - Mirio replied. All those visits, it finally payed off. She's finally back.

" Wait, now?" - Mirio questioned, but it was too late.

She stormed out of the office, in search of Izuku. The fire in her didn't care what Mirio had to say, she just left in a moments notice.

Clearly, she didn't know Izuku is having some problems in U. S. J.

[Back To U. S. J]

After performing a little massacre, a new enemy showed up. He was different, unlike the other nomus, he was sentient, intelligent. And if Izuku's guts are correct, Hawk's fighting style might not be just all brawl.

" Oh, where are my manners?" - The thing laughted it off, as if it was no big problem.

" You can call me Hawk." - Hawk spoke, his name having some familiarity to Izuku.

" Or you can know me as All For Ones greatest creation." - Hawk spoke, his prideful tone ever so cocky.

" So, All For One created these?" - Izuku questioned the 3 meter nomu.

" Even the strong nomu who attacked U. S. J before?" - It was definetly a question Izuku needed to ask.

For starters, Izuku thought the nomu back then was definetly not someone who was just born like that. Seeing the nomu obey all of Shigaraki's commands withought a second thought, he knew something was up.

Also, seeing the nomu regenerate, and  having almost a perfect immunity to All Might's punches, he was close to cracking the puzzle. And now, he didn't need to.

If one man, or woman, Izuku doesn't fucking know what gender All For One is, can create such beasts, and with such numbers, those feats are enough to induce fear even to the professionals.

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