Chapter 48- Songs and Mating Cycle

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Hello people. I am adding a video to this chapter soon. I am adding someone singing the song that will be in this chapter. But I have to find the perfect one first.

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I am sorry it took me so long to get it to you guys, I know I said because you guys got me so many reads that I would update. I sort of forgot..... Sowwy...

I would never forget about you purposely...

So now here is an update.


Chapter 48- Songs and Mating Cycle


"Everything is going to be perfect!" Ella smiles at me.

Everyone is here besides Rhianna and Brooke. 

Our get together is small, between just us friends. I didn't want to invite anyone Brooke wouldn't be comfortable with, and thats like my whole pack. They are all a little bit intimidating for a first timer. Well the men that is.

Marcie is here, Jake is here, Molly, Mason, Andrew, Emma, and I are all here. We are all the people that need to be at this barbeque for it to succeed.

Of course Gabe didn't want to come, so everyone but it.

"HEY GUYS!" I hear Rhianna shout.

"HEY BABE!" Andrew screams back at her in the same tone even though they are standing right in front of each other.

Rhianna and Brooke join us in the back yard and sid down in the open seats we left gor them.

Brooke places what seems to be a guitar case on the floor next to her. I decide not to question it.

"Hey Brooke." Molly calls.

"Yeah, how are you?" Emma asks.

Broke smiles at them with her dazzling smile.

"I am great, thanks for asking."

She looks so beautiful right now; Delicate but strong, Its a quality I love about her.

Jake fires up the BBQ and Rhianna puts on some music.

"The best barbeque ever has just begun!!!" Mason exclaims.

Brooke gets up from her seat and comes next to me, giving me a kiss.

"You got some cool friends here." She tells me.

"Yeah... I suppose I do."


I take a bite into a hot dog and talk to Molly.

"So you are an Omega right?" I ask her.

"Omega's daughter yeah." She grins, "I love it!"

"Being happy and perky all the time doesn't irritate you?"

"No! Its the best!"

She is the total opposite of Holly, the Omega's daughter in the secta pack. Holly doesn't like it at all.

Thats so funny! I just realized Molly and Holly rhyme! How Ironic!

I wonder if Holly has a twin names Jason.... 

"Hey Brooke didn't you want to do something?" Rhianna calls to me, lacing her words to tell me its time.


But everyone is talking, and laughing, I can't do it now!

I take a deep breath and open up my guitar case. 

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