Chapter 33- Things just got from bad to worse.

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Chapter 33- Things just got from bad to worse

"Excuse me?" I stop.

He just shows up on my step saying he needs to talk to me.


Then he's a what?

"I am a werewolf. You know half man half wolf?" He explains. 

As if I don't know what a wolf is!

"Yes, yes I know what it is."

"Here let me show you."

"What? No I-"

All of the sudden there is a wolf infront of me.

I drop all of my bags and freeze.

Those eyes. His eyes. The same.

I scream, run into my house, and lock the door shut.

Blaine just...He just... WHAT?!


After she closes the door I shift back, and grab my extra clothes.

Was that too much?

Maybe I shouldn't have shifted.

I just need her to believe me. The pain I am feeling is becoming unbearable.

I see Brooke peek out through the window.

Probably to check if I'm still there.

I pick up her bags and knock on her door.

"Hoodie. Let me in!" I call.

"No!" She says back, "Your a monster!"

"But your my mate!"

There is silence on the other side of the door but after 5 minutes she lets me in.

We go sit in the living room.

"Explain." She barks.

I let out a sigh of relief.

There's still a chance.


I'm crazy for letting him into my house. Crazy.

But who am I kidding? No matter how much I rant about not liking him. My attraction to him is stronger then ever.

"Explaine." I order.

He just turned into a fricken wolf! Then tells me I'm his mate?

This kinda stuff only happens in movies and books. And I sure ain't in hell Bella.

Blaine sighs and begins to explain, "I am a werewolf have been since I was born. My father is the Alpha  of the pack and soon I will be too. When I graduate this year instead of going to college I'll be taking over the pack."

"Alpha?" I squeak.

"Yes. Alpha, and you are my Luna."

This cannot be true! All of these things he is telling me are lies. Were wolves do not actually exist. And mates?


"No." I say.

"No?" I ask.

"Yes, just no. You maybe a werewolf, or at least think that, but I am so not your Luna whatever that means."

"Let me show you." He suggests.

"Fine pro-" I am cut off by him kissing me.

I hold in a moan.

Sparks ar flying, and I want more, but no/

I pull away.

"STOP!" I shout at him.

"Did you feel that? It isn't lust! Its our connection."

"Blaine." I sigh, "You do realize how crazy this is right?"

"To you yes I am sure. I do love you Brooke."

I am quiet for a little and then say, "Please leave."

"Brooke I don't have much time."


I push him to the door.

"I can die!" He shouts as I kick him out.



I shift into my wolf. 

NO!!! How do I get her to believe me.

'Son. Where are you?' My father telephathically asks.

'Everything alright? You seem to be asking me that a lot.' 

'Ella wishes to speak to us.'


'The attack.'

I stop infront of my house.

'Home. Give me a moment.'

I pull on some clothes and then fo to my fathers office.

 Ella is sitting on a chair and my father is not sitting in his usual spot behind his desk rather next to her.

"Hi Blaine." Ella smiles.

"Hey. How you feeling?" I ask her.

"I am fine. Completely recovered. And you?"

"I have been better." I admit.

I've never felt sick or any pain like this. Werewolves don't get sick with colds and diseases because our immune system is much stronger then an average human.

"I am ready to talk about the attack." Ella tells me.

I nod and take a seat  in a free chair.

"I was in my wolf state on a run when I get tackled and they injure me badly. Then tell me to shift into my human form beating me up in that form as well. The they forced me to shift back again leaving me injured on the floor. Before they left they told me to give you a message. 'You may have found your lupa purus but we found her first."

"They didn't take adventage of you did they?" My father asks worried.

My father loves Ella like a daughter. He would kill anyone who injures her.

"No. Don't worry."

Me, what I am worried aboutm is the lupus purus thing, isn't that what Brooke's necklace says?

"Father. We have a proble,." I say remembering exactly what Brooke's nrcklace says and now it makes complete sense.

Ella and my father look at me confused.

"Things just got bad to worse.I know just who the lupus purus is and they WILL go after her."


I step outside for a whiff of air and someone who I never thought I'd see again steps out of the shadows.


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