Chapter 10- Mixed Feelings and doubts

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Hey, I decided since my last chapter was really short so I am going to put one up in honor of my hebrew birthday:D


Chapter 10- mixed feelings and doubts

The end of the day came fast and Layla handed me her car keys telling me I should take her car because she and Kat were leaving early to do some things.

As I get into the car someone taps on my window. Its Theo! At the same time my phone buzzes. its Gabriel.

I roll down the window and then look at the text.

'Pik u up at 6:30 beautiful.'

I smile and teaxxt back, 'Okay handsome'.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Theo asks suddenly appearing in next to me.

I jump.

"Holy shit! Don't do that!" 

He scared the fajeebers out of me!

"Is he????"

"Well." I start.

"HE SO IS!" Theo exclaims popping my eardrums before I can even finish what I am saying.

I notice Gabe standing in the parking lot talking to some people and point in his direction.

"Look there he is! Go bother him instead!"

Theo jumps out of the car and runs towards him like a maniac flailing his hands, idiotically.

I let out a sigh.

I have a lot of things on my mind and I don't need a Theo bothering me.


When I get home I immediatly sit down at my drawing desk.

I begin drawing a picture of holding hands.

So Gabe is my fake boyfriend, and Blaine wants to be my real one?

For someone who doesnt belive in love, I have a lot of admirers.


I want to just run over to Brooke house and kiss her but she's human so she'll just think she is feeling is lust. Not the strong love that I feel for her.

"So are you going to tell her?" My mother asks walking into my room.

I sigh.

"I can't." I say.

"And why is that?" Mt mother makes a puzzled face.

"She's human and hates me."

,y mother smiles.

"But all girls love football players."

I smirk catching her drift.

Its 4:30, I need to change.


I put on a black short, layered skirt, a white tee, black suspenders, a barette, and combat boots. After I put some make up I'll be all done.

Im alittle nervous to come to this game with Gabe because I don't want to lead him on.

A car beeps outside.

I check to see if its Gabe but I think my nervousness is getting to me.

My phone buzzes.


'Hey hun check the mail! -mum'

I grab my ipod and open the door.

Sure enough in front of the steps is a package. I run down and get it.

When I open it up the necklace is at the top. Its a circle and inside the circle is a trangle with a line going through it. The line has a little turqoise rock in the center and ingraved in the circle are some latin words in small, "In purus lupus, purus coeunt"

I look at google translate and see that it means, "The pure wold, the pure mate'

I shrug and put it around my neck.

"You didn't have to wait outside. I wanted to ring the doorbell and meet your mom." Gabe's voice syas.

I look up and he is standing right in front of me.

"Oh haha yeah. She's not home anyways." I say.

We go to the car.

'How come?" 

"She's away."

"Well then moving on! Lets go to the game. Oh and by the way did I mention Blaines playing?" Gabe says changing the topic.

I groan.


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