Chapter 17- Attacks and surprises

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Hi people. Im updatinggggg <3


Chapter 17- Attacks and surprises


Amy is standing there screeching, and Gabe just dropped a mug.

"YOU AND BROOKE?!" Amy exclaims angerily.

"I love you too Amy." I mutter under my breath.

Gabe looks at me apologetically. 

Did Amy really think she had a chance with Blaine? Ha.

"Can we just go?" I say turning to Gabe.

He nods taking of his apron. I kiss Blaine on the cheek, then stand up with my coffee leaving the shop with Gabe.

"So Blaine huh?" Gabe asks starting the engine of the car, which makes a loud rumblin sound.

I could barely hear him over it.

"I'm not sure. I'm still figuring things out." I tell him honestly.

"Thats cool. I'm not judging."

I smile and run my fingers across my iphone case, which has seqiuins and feels funny.

He laughs a little but then composes himself.

"Now lets go to your suprise. Which I'm sure your realllllllly going to want to see now." 


"Realy Blaine?!" Amy exclaims.

i groa and begin to stand up from my seat.

"I thought we had something." She whines.

"Amy. Just shut up." I say and leave the store.

I dial Brooke number but it goes straight to voicemail.

"What happened in there? R u ok?" I text.

I drive home and go straight to my room. Did I do somethign wrong?

I replay what happened in my mind.

I said nothing wrong or did anything wrong.

So what was that?


I drive her to the forest I know Blaine is my Alpha but Brooke is important to me and she is going to be a great friend I know it. So I may not tell her about him, but I am certainly telling her about me.

"So whats the surprise?" Brooke asks me anxiously.

I lead her out of the car and to a space that has enough room for me to do what I am abotu to do.

"Close your eyes" I smile.

Brookes eyes close, and I shift.


I close my eyes just like Gabe asks me to.

"Can I open them?" I ask him.

Gabe grunts in reply.

I open my eyes and there is a beautiful brown wold standing in front of me.

Then I realize what I just thought. THERE IS A WOLF SITTING IN FRONT OF ME!

Oh my g-d. 

I let out a huge gasp for air.

It begins to walk over to me.

"Gabe!" I call nervously, "GABE WHERE DID YOU GO?"

The wolf starts to rub itself against my legs just like Max does to me when I come home.

"Please Gabe!" 

The wolf nudges me.

Oh my gosh he is going to hurt me.

"GABE!!!" I scream, "BLAINEEEEEEE!"


My heighteed hearing hears Brooke's voice screaming my name.

Is she in touble?

I race out of the house and to the forest.

"Brooke? Where are you?" I shout back extremely worried.

"BLLLLLAINNEEEE" I hear again.

Her voice sounds scared.

I strip out of my clothes and shift, holding my clothes in my mouth.

I start sniffing for her scent.

Where are you baby? I'm coming...


Tears begin to roll down my cheek.

Why did Gabe leave me here all alone? Secondly why are there wolves in Miami. 

The wolf begins to howl and all of the sudden there are three more wolves in front of me.

Oh g-d, I am going to die.

One of the wolves attacks the wolf that is circling around me.

I shriek on the top of my lungs, "BLAINNNNEE PLEASE!"

Why am I even calling for him? What makes me feel like he will actually come and help? Its not liek he has superhearing and can hear me from miles away. How would he possibly be able to save me?

The other two wolves begin to run towards me as if they are going to lunge at me. How coiuld Gabe leave me here like this.

"BLAINE SAVE ME!" I cry as loud as I can. If Blaine can't hear me maybe someone else will.

I close my eyes as my life flashes before me and I wait for the impact but it doesn't come.

I open one eye and then I open both and see a magestic golden wolf with red highlights in its fur fighting the attaching wolves....Protecting me...

At one point our eyes meet and I let out a little gasp.



I jump infront of Brooke and in the way of the two wolves that were running at Brooke.

I notice a familiar wolf fighting alogn side me.

"Gabe!" I exclaim telepathically.

"Fighting here man!" he says back.

"Who the hell are these wolves?"

"I am assuming the alphaless pack."

I look at Brooke to see how she is doing. Out eyes meet and she lets out a little gasp.

What does she recognize me? Thats impossible...

The other wolves retreat and I quickly shift in the bushes and put on the clothes that I left there.

Then I run to Brooke.

"Hoodie are you okay?"I ask gasping for breath, tired from the fight.

"I-I- You wouldn't believe me?" She says still crying.

I pull her towards me.

"Shhh... I bet you I would." I tell her, "What happened baby?"

Even though I know what happened she can't know what I am. At least not yet..

Brooke begins to sob and talk really fast, "Gabe said he wanted to show me something, and...and, then he dissapeared and when I opened my eyes there was a wolf infront of me and then more wolves came. I thought I was going to die but then another wolf came and saved me and all I could think of was calling for you, and I don't know what I am feeling and-"

I kiss her to shut her up.

"I will always protect you Brooke, and thats because I love you." I tell her.

"I-" she starts.

"No, you don't need to say it back now. When your ready. I just wanted you to know that I love you and you can take as much as time as you want to say it back."

I stay there holding her as she sobs.

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