Chapter 56- Graduate of 2011

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Hi hi hi hi hi!!!!

'Vas happenin! 

Just saying I called it the year 2011 but I did not and repeat DID NOT do the dates and days according the the calander.

I'm too lazy... lol

Plus it just ruins the flow.

YAY! THEY ARE GRADUATING. When I wrote this awhile back I was sniffling, it was so emotional for me... also the summer ball.

I like bawled.

How weird?

Well thats me! hehhehee

Kay, new chapter now ;) XD


Chapter 56- Graduate of 2011


I pull away from Blaine's embrace with a smile.

"I seem to have people calling for me quite a lot nowadays." I remark. 

It seems like every second someone else is callign me over because I am late or they need to show me something.

"So I am not the only one!" Blaine laughs.

We grab our hats and join Layla and Kat in the car.

"Geesh guys, we didn't even graduate and your kissing like you won't ever see each other ever again." Kat sighs in annoyance.

I hold in a giggle not wanting ot recieve a death glare from her.

Its not our fault!

The lust of both of our wolves cause us to always want to kiss, so we sometime, more like always, give in. Which I really don't mind...

Layla starts the engine and off we go.

I'm actually excited to graduate and be free of high school's ridiculous monarchy. I'll never have to see their irritating faces again if I choose not to. Except maybe at parties, but I don't usually attend those so NO MORE AMY AND HER WANNABEES!

We park the car and literally run to the front lawn of Miami Bay High School where the graduation ceromony is taking place.

Blaine's friends, who are now my friends, are already there socializing and talking to their parents.

"Hey Brooke." Rhianna waves to me.

"KAT! Come meet Jenny!" Emma calls Kat over to her.

I guess we have all become friends, including Layla and Kat.

I smile and give Rhianna a huge hug.

"Hey Rhi! You ready to graduate?" I ask her.

"HELL YEAH!" She shouts.

A couple of heads turn and give her odd looks. 

Rhianna's parents shake their heads in dissaproval.

"Momma, pops meet Brooke." She introduces me to her parents.

"Hello, I'm Brooke Maritto." I say to them.

"So pretty your friend here." Rhianna's dad says back.

I blush at the compliment.

"Thank you."

"ALL GRADUATES SIT IN YOUR SEATS!" Someone, who vaguely sounds like our principal, shouts through a megaphone.

Blaine and I sit down next to each other and I tap my feet nervously.

"Relax." He whispers to me, tickling my ear, as the ceromony starts.

The principal of our school stands up on the stage.

"We are gathered here today for one reason.To help the senior class of Miami Bay High School move on in life. These students have worked hard all year, or not, and all their lives in school to be successful and to continue on their journey. I would like to call up Anna Kimberly to read a poem."

The editor of our school newspaper, also a fellow class mate of mine, goes up and starts reading a boring poem.

"Blaine are we going out together after this?" I whisper ask him.

"Can't parents are taking me, you can join us though." He whispers back.

"Maybe... I don't want to seem as if I am ruining a family moment."

"Nonsense Brooke, you are family."

"We'll see."

"Can all the graduates please come to the stage?" The vice principal calls.

All of the class stands up and they put on that stupid graduation tune as we all line up on the stage in rows.

Honestly, most of this graduate ceromony is all stupid traditions. 

I just want my diploma.


We all come up to the stage and form a line in the back on bleachers.

I never expected to be having a graduation like this.

I especially did not expect to be in a human school, and meet my mate.

Marcie dreamed about a graduation like this since she was little. Too bad she's stuck in the pack school.

She is such a good friend, I wonder why my father didn't send her with us.

"Now when I call your name please step forward to recieve your diploma." The principal tells us.

Then the vice principal starts listing the names and the students go take their diploma's, with the music playing on the backround.

"BROOKE MARITTO." Brooke gives my hand a squeeze as she goes up.

I smile after her.

On the second hand, its better that Marcie isn't in this school. If Marcie realy feels the way I think she does on me it would of held me back with Brooke. Its enough we had Amy pissing us off all year.

Thank G-d we won't see her again!

"BLAINE SILVERPAW." I am called.

I step forward, smile for the camera, shake a bunch of peoples hands, and go take my diploma.

There are so many people out here today. There are parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, teachers, and friends. All of them here to watch us.

"Please return to your seat as the valedictorian joins me at the podium."

I take Brooke's hand and we return to our seats.

"By the power rested in me", The principal starts, "As authorized by the Government and the State of New York, I now pronounce you all the graduates of 2011!"

"WAHOO!" Everyone shouts out and cheers throwing up their caps.

Brooke pulls me to her and kisses me amongst the cheering graduates.

"We did it." She whispers

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