Chapter 71- Things Forgotten

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Sorry it took me so long to get that last chapter up. LOVE YOU ALL. Thanks for reading and supporting me in my writing...


Chapter 71- Things Forgotten

"Layla thats crazy talk." I say to her about what she told me she saw, so not to bring suspicion that I am not surprised.

"You have to believe me!" She begs.

"Maybe you made a mistake, and really the man was there the whole time and you just didn't see him." Layla sighs.

"Yeah, your probably right."

We sit down on her very fuzzy and pink floor together. 

Layla's room is all pink and baby blue. I used to hate it here at first, but I got used to it after a while.

"I must have worried you when I texted you and kidnapped you from your home before." Layla says laughing about the manner she got me here.

"I'm always here for you, doesn't matter how much you worry me." I tell her, "But now that you mention it..."

Layla's eyes widen, and then smacks me when she realises I'm teasing.

"You are cruel." She whines.

"Ehhh you deal with it." I laugh.

There is a knock on the bedroom door and Layla's mom walks in.

"Layla! You pulled Brooke away before I could say hello!" Mrs. Leeds exclaims opening the door.

"Go away mom." Layla groans not happy about her mother's presence.

"Layla Olivia Leeds! Brooke is like a daughter to me! Who you've been hiding! Its been forever since she's come over."

I laugh out loud, no pun intended, and Layla glares at me.

Layla's mother, when she was born, wanted to name her Olivia Layla but then decided it would look better the other way around. We only realized a few years ago that it spelled LOL, which Kat, Theo, and find hilarious.

"Why don't we go downstairs and eat some dinner? I'm sure your mom has cooked something for dinner." I say to lighten up the mood.

"Thats really what I came up for, to call you guys down. Toby and Layla's father already there." Mrs. Leeds tells us.

With the help of my crutches I stand up and we all go downstairs.

"Who's Toby?" I ask Layla.

"My cousin."

When I get to the table I immediatly know who he is.


What should I do?

Call a doctor?

There is definitely something wrong with my father.

Something just got out of hand, and I need to fix it before he makes me battle him.

I dial the number of our main were doctor in the hospital here.

"Doctor Mantel's office, who's speaking?" Dr. Mantel's secretary picks up.

"Its Blaine Silverpaw put Doctor Mantel on the phone please." I say.

"Hold on a moment as I connect you."

If anyone can help me with the mind of David Silverpaw its Doctor Mantel.


"So your saying that he's sick?" I ask after Doctor Mantel ent on a whole rant about my father.

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