Chapter 35- She isn't yours

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Hi guys<3

Did you guess it would have been her long lost "uncle"? No? Who do you think this uncle is?

Is he safe? Do you think we can trust him or is he just a pawn in a game Brooke does not know about?


Chapter 35- She isn't yours

Honestly I don't know what to feel right now.

I am numb.

Should I hate him?

Does he know?

Maybe he doesn't know..

Wait..If he is a werewolf, does that mean David is too?

My father didn't leave me... What about my morals? All the things I hold by because of this one event.

"Why don't you sleep Purus Lupus?" 

"Purus? Where'd you hear that?" I freak.

"Pure one?"

I nod.

"Soon. Brooke go to sleep. It seems you've been through a lot today." He tells me.

I give in and for upstairs.

'Had fun 2day' Layla texts me.

I let my phone fall on the floor of my room and my head hit the pillow.


"You can come out now." The man, after Brooke goes into her house, calls to us.

My father, Ella, and I come out and stand in front of this man.

Of course he knew we were there. There was no point of us hiding. 

I sniff the air for his scent.

A beta...

"He is the leader." Ella tells me.

"Nice to see you again David." The man says smirking.

"James." My father spits.

"And you I assume you must be his son Blaine." He says looking at me.

I growl.

"Now this young lady, this young lady I remember very fondly." 

I growl again protectivly, taking a step forward threatening.

"You are a sadistic bastard." I say to him angerily.

"Now now, no need for vulgarity." He says back, "I haven't done anything yet."

"Stay away from Brooke." My father growls.

"You can't keep me away from my favorite niece."


"Damn." Ella whispers.

"The purus isn't yours." James says before sifting and running off in his wolf form.

"SHIT!" I swear out loud.

What are we going to do? Her uncle? Is she a wolf?

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