Chapter 62- Lock the door and throw away the key

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New question.... What are your favorite bands?


Chapter 62- Lock the door and throw away the key

The next two days passed by very slowly. It was just Blaine and I, and Theo occasionally popped in. 

Them and of course my lovely kitty who kept me company on my bed.

We watched movies, played board games, talked, kissed a bit; not Theo, just Blaine and I.

Emily didn't come over again, till now.

"So he was all like girls don't surf. I showed him!" Emily finishes her story, which seemed to take forever to tell.

"I remember when we used to surf together." Blaine reminces.

"We can still surf. Why don't we go? Its only nine o'clock! We've got the whole day..." She suggests.

"I could surf." Theo states.

"I can't," I remind them, pointing to my foot, "In fact, I can't even go to the beach."

"Oh but you wouldn't mind if we went, would you?" Emily asks in a sickeningly sweet voice, that only I probably can tell is fake.

I wanted to say "Hell yeah I care" but Blaine gives me a face with pleading eyes and I can't deny his desires if he looks at me with that look.

"Fine," I give in, "But not the whole day; be back by four."

Blaine gives me a quick kiss and the three of them leave.

That evil bitch did that on purpose!

I grab my crutches and make my way to my computer desk.

Some more of the schools that I emailed about late apllications returned my emails. Four out of seven said they would still accept my applications until July 2nd.

I respond to them all with thank you's and let them know that I will be taking them up on their offers.

After I do that I open up facebook on a safari browser. I haven't been on it in a while, so I should probably check it out.

When I log in I have 13 chat messages, and 24 notifications.

I took off facebook's ability to alert me about facebook notifications on my phone long ago, because they are just annoying and most of the time pointless. But as I look through them there is one notification that sparks my interest.

"Amy tagged you in a post." It read.

I click on it and it took me to something posted on her wall that she wrote.

"Brooke is such a wannabee and a slut. I mean who does she think she is, right?"

It was dated July 2nd, the same date as graduation day.

I roll my eyes and cehck out the comments.

"So right." Abigail Ridges, one of Amy's followers, commented.

"What are you saying?" Matt commented.

"She's right. Brooke is such a weirdo, I wouldn't be surprised if she's klepto." Abigail continued.

"Does your little barbie head even know what klepto is?" Andrew joins into the comment conversation.

"She is not a barbie, dick." Amy defends Abigail.

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