Chapter 5- Anger and Abandonment

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Chapter 5

"So tell me who you were grumbling about in Mr. Zeldorfs class because I know it wasn't me." Theo says with all seriousness, as we sit down on a bench outside.

We decided to go outside and catch up since there's still 1/2 an hour left of this period, and seeing we, well I, got kicked out what better to do?

"No one special, just some jerk." I say back waving my hand.

Theo pushes of my hood and looks me in the eyes.

"Biebs, I know when your upset, and this guy is really bothering you" He tells me, "Need me to kick his ass?"

Yes, he called me beibs because of my bangs. Get over it.

I sigh.

"There are a bunch of new kids that came to our school today and one of the new guys, Blaine Silverpaw, and he's annoying and a jerk wall." I tell him.

"A jerk wall?" he asks raising his eyebrow and smiling a little.

"Yes, a jerk wall." I say like a child, crossing my arms.

Theo is quiet for a moment and then says, "You like him!"

"WHAT?" I exclaim, "No, no way! He's an ego maniac, pain in the-"

"I know you say you don't believe but-"

"No!" I shout angrily standing up, "I am not having this talk twice today! I don't believe in love, and I certainly don't like that jerk names Blaine Silverpaw."


Love is stupid, and true love doesn't exist. Relationships hurt and kill.

I won''t give in.


"MATT JUST SHUT UP!" I shout suddenly really angry.

"Woah man chill!" Matt says.

I put hand to my forehead and stop for a second.

"You, you okay?" he asks genuinely worried.

"Yeah I'm fine. Sorry. Can you please excuse me?"

"Sure. I'll meet you in the gym. I think your mate Jake is there." 

I nod and walk away.

Its funny how humans use the word mate. Jake? Mate? Ha!

I wash my fash with cold water and any trace of anger in me has left.


"Thee, I'm sorry for bursting out like that." I apologize, "I think I just need to go home and rest. Can you please tell Mr. Zeldorf and the girls I went home sick so I don't have two worried friends and way more detention."

Theo nods and leaves me be. 

I start walking into the parking lot when I realize I don't have a car. 

Well I guess I am walking.


When I get home I unlock the door and scream, "MOM, I'M HOME EARLY!"

My black kitten Max pads in and rubs himself against my legs.

"She isn't home is she?" I say to him.

Max meows in response as if to say 'Is she ever?'

I go to the kitchen to look for a note. She usually leaves one on the fridge. This time its on the kitchen table. 


I've gone to Greece for 2 or 3 months.

I'm sorry but duty calls.

Love you,


I sigh and go upstairs to my room, Max follows me.

My mother and I are fairly wealthy. By that I mean filthy rich. You would be too if all your mother does, literally, is work.

I go into my walk in closet and put on sweats & a black veil brides tee.

My room is sort of gigantic. Its colored themed. Black, white, purple, and is very neat.

When you walk in the first thing you'll notice is all the way in the back of my room I have a queen sized bed. Its sheets, and pillows are all black, purple, or white with designs on them. Directly across from my bed is a flat screen TV which my bed is facing. Next to my bed is a black book shelf that I use also as my night table. The shelves are filled with with vinyls. CD's, books, and pictures of me and my friends. On the wall with the T.V there is a desk with my mac desktop and more pictures. Next to that is my guitar case with my guitar in it. Now on the wall that shares a corner with the wall that has my T.V on it there are th doors to my closet and another desk. This desk has papers all over it with my drawings and ideas.

Max climbs into his bed which is under mine and I pull out my guitar from its case.

"From underneath the trees, we watch the sky

Confusing stars for satellites
I never dreamed that you'd be mine
But here we are, we're here tonight

Singing Amen, I, I'm alive
Singing Amen, I, I'm alive

If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride
Then we'd see the day when nobody died

And I'm singing

Amen I, Amen I, I'm alive
Amen I, Amen I, Amen I, I'm alive"

I stop singing. I shouldn't have even picked up the guitar. I'm not even that cold. 

My cell phone starts buzzing really loudly.

"Hello?"  say picking it up, sitting down on my bed.

"Where are you?!" Layla yells into the phone.

"We've been worried sick!" Kat adds.

"I told Theo to tell you guys I went home, didn't he?" I say back.

"NO!" Kat tells me.

"Wait! Theo's back?!" Layla exclaims

"He's dead." Both girls say at the same time hanging up on me.

Typical Theo not to tell them. Well now he's going to get it...

I close my eyes and begin to fall asleep.

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