Chapter 41- Where am I? Who are you?

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Thank you guys so much for the Ten Thousand reads. I am freaking out right now. You guys are the best. XD

Now you want to know what happened to Blaine now don't you? I thought maybe t oleav you on a cliff hanger for like a week and a half or something. You know leave you hanging but then I thought to myself, am I really that mean? And I am not, so here it is.

Chapter 41 


Chapter 41- Where am I? Who are you?

We all go to the luncheon which is being held in the ballroom of the building, and a lot of people are already there eating and talking.

How many people are in this pack?!

"You go eat and mingle. I'll find you later so I can introduce you to some people."  Uncle James tells me.

I look around bewildered. There are so many people here!

Someone taps me on the shoulder.

I turn around and there is a young girl standing behind me. She has bouncy short blonde curls, purple eyes, and looks very perky.

"Hi there! Are you a new rouge?" She asks very peppily.

I can't help but let out a sigh of relief. Not a stuck up bitch or someone wants revenge against Blaine.

"Nice eyes!" I remark.

"Thanks. Contaaaccttsss." She sings, "So are you? A rouge I mean?"

"Nope." I answer popping the 'p' with a smile.

"So then who are you?" She asks making a confused look.

"Alpha's daughter." I answer her.

This time the girl lets out a sigh of relief.

"THANNNK GODDD! Being perky 24/7 is such a bore! I'm like the welcoming commitee, so to speak. My parents are using it for practice they say. They think just because I am the Omega's daughter I'm perky perky perky, alllll the time. I'm Holly."

I laugh.

"Hello Holly, I am Brooke." I smile.

"Brooke? You ARE the Alpha's daughter! He talked about you. I honestly thought you were joking."

"You remember my father?"

"Course! I thought of him him dearly. We stayed in his guest house. Still do actually. His estate is quiet pretty."

"What did he say say about me?"

"That you were cute. I remember thinking maybe we could be friends but he never brought you over."

"Well we can be friends now." I tell her.


"Yeah! Besides, I need someone to help me out."

"But thats your Beta's job!"

"Uncle James? No way! Holly, you are offically my assistant."

Holly giggles.



"Ughhh...." I groan.

Why does my head hurt so much?

Wait a second! My eyes flip open as I remember what happened. I was walking outside about to shift when someone pulled a bag dosed with Chloraschillan over my head.

I take in my surroundings.

I am in a beige painted rook, and it seems to be I am the only thin in the room besides for the chair I happen to be tied to.

I try to say something but realize they have gagged me.


One of my captors open the door to my room.

He is a bulky tanned man, and is wearing all black, looking very body guard like.

"Lookie here silverpaw boy here is awake." He says in a mocking tone.

I try to get my arms out of the ropes but my struggle is no use. THe more I try the acid they drenched the rope in burns my skin. Of course it'll heal but it hurts like hell.

"How does it feel huh?" He sneers.

I growl.

When I get out of here he's the first I will kill.


"Okay lesson one," Holly says as we put some fruit on our plates,"You see those people over there?"

She points to a group of short skirts and "Hot guys".

"You might want to get on their good side," She tells me.

I laugh.

She thinks I'm scared of them?

"Don't you worry about girls like those." I say to her.

"Oh I won't Jasmine's my sister. But you should, Jasmine's a bitch."

I raise my eyebrow at her.

"I know she's older then me." Holly blushes, "But its true."

"How old are you?" I ask curiously.

"Sixteen in Janurary." Holly answers.

I nod.

I remember when I was 15. For my sweet sixteen Layla, Kat, and I went out for dinner and then had a sleep over party, watching so many movies and eating choclates in the shapes of the number 1 and 6.

With that I walk over to Jasmine and her friends.

"Which one of you is Jasmine?" I ask.

A blonde, curly haired girl, with green eyes, who looks significantly like Holly steps forward. She is wearing the miniest of mini shorts, and a vee cut shirt.

"I am. What are you doing with my kid sister?" She asks back.

 “Oh she was just showing me around and she told me I should watch out for you.” I tell her.

"She's smart." One of Jasmine's friends say.

"You won't be a problem will you?" I smirk.

Jasmine crosses her arms.

"Just stay out of my way."  She says.

I stop myself from laughing.

Isn't that what all bitches/ "popular girls" say when they are threatened by someone?

"Oh you might want to stay out of MY way honey." I turn on my heel and leave.

"Do you have a death wish?!" Holly exclaims, as we sit down at a table.

"No but she will if she screws with me." I say all knowingly.

Before Holly can say anything Uncle James approaches us and says,"Alpha Brooke you are needed."

I stand up and leave Holly there with her mouth dropped.


What am I going to do? This is a sticky situation I'm in.

I can't extend my nails and cut the rope off becuase the acid will burn my nails off.

There has been no sign of my captors for an hour and a half. No hint to where I am, or who these men are working for.

My head is pounding from the chloroscillan still and all the different sounds.

Sounds that I can usually block out like dripping of water in pipes, and all the tickings of the clocks in this house.

Why can I not block them out?

I hear a door slam and my head begins to hurt more.

I really need to get out of here.

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