Chapter 59- Macho Alphaness and childhood friends

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This chapter is dedicated to SaraSparks for being a fun person to talk to and for the beautiful cover on the side. I love it and I hope you guys do too!

Here is another chapter, and I hope you enjoy this!


 Chapter 59- Macho Alphaness and childhood friends

"So now that its summer what are we going to do?" Blaine asks me.

"Anticipate for my birthday." I tell him with a grin.

"The whole summer?"

"My birthday is July 7th, don't have to wait too long."

"Woah, babe that's in like a month.

"Yep." I grin even wider.

"You never mentioned it!" He says.

"You never asked me." I say back.


"So when's yours." I ask him.

Now that I told him my birthday, it will only be fair for him to tell me his now.

"Oh it passed it was in January." He answers vaguely.

"January what? That is also soon!" 

"Like seven months..."

I pout.

"No need to be mean."

Blaine and I had decided to go on a walk in the forest. Its gorgeous out! The sun is shining, and the birds are chirping.

Everything seems so perfect, and peaceful.

"Mean, to you? Never!" Blaine teases with sarcasm.

I slap his arm and then hear a rumble of what I think is thunder.

"What was that?" I ask nervously.

It can't be thunder because its perfect outside so then what could it be.

"Um, thunder." Blaine replies pointing to the sky above us.

Clouds are collecting very quickly and not normal rain clouds. Dark, blackish grey clouds, that look like they were made from pollution, but I know they are not and that they are rain clouds.

"But it was just... and the sun... and huh?"

Blaine laughs.

"I guess weather changes fast hmm?"

I cross my arms. 

I went and jinxed the weather by thinking about how perfect it was.

There is another rumble of thunder and it begins to pour.

Within seconds Blaine and I are both drenched.

"Now I'm all wet!" I shout.

"We're both wet!" Blaine emphasizes on 'we're'.

"Don't just stand there, lets go." 

"No, I like it here."

"You won't for long." Someone growls from behind Blaine.

There are three men standing there, also drenched, with muscles and scary looking facial expressions on their face.

Blaine twirls around quickly.

"Hello Blaine." One smirks.

"What do you want?" Blaine orders for an answer.

"Oh the usual."

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