Chapter 15- Being scared, and in love, is okay..

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Dedicated to my lovely storylover11. THANKS FOR THE BANNER AND I LOVE OUR CONVOS<3

I love how I said I wouldn't update but I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH. When I write and then read it its like I am a reader myself. I gasp and jump and laugh just like you.... SO EXCITED!


Chapter 15- Being scared, and in love, is okay..

 "Breathe in, and hold." Theo tells me then Karate CHOPS MY BACK.

I nearly choke on my own breath.

"DUDE!" I cry out, "Don't tell someone to hold their breath then karate chop their backs!" 

"Why not! Its hilarious!" Theo laughs.

I sit up and Theo takes a sip of water.

"Okay Biebs, whats up?"

I wanted to crack a joke and say the sky or the sun but instead I say,"Ever feel so strongly about something and when one small thing happens you begin to doubt everything you were sure about?"

"Is this about Gabriel?"

"No Theo this isn't about Gabe. This is about me. BLASTED! This is about Blaine!"

"As in jerkwall Blaine?"

Theo and I stand up and sit down on the couch in the living room. Which is the room we are in.

"Yes." I sigh, "He comes into my life and makes me start to feel feeling things I don't want to feel. Dangerous things."

"As in love?"

I nod like a little child.

"Oh Brooke." Theo says wrapping his arm around my shoulder, "Love isn't dangerous! Love is happiness, warmth, comfort. Love is something everyone wants, what everyone needs."

I sip my water and fiddle with my necklace.

"But I don't want to feel like this." I tell Theo truthfully, "It scares me."

"Take a chance Beibs. You never know, he may be a great guy."


"So Blaine, " Some cheerleader flirts with me, "Have a girlfriend?"

The whole team giggles. Whats up with these girls and flirting? They literally flirt with anyone that is male and in their way. Its so disgusting, I mean the only guys that would go out with them is if they need a booty call.

"A girlfriend. Nahh.. ." I say. 

I may not have a have a girlfriend but I definitely have a girl in mind.

"Uch, move out of the way." Amy says pushing the girls out of her way to come to sit right in front of me on the table showing off her legs.

"So Blaine... Baby, if you haven't got a girl friend maybe come over tonight? My parents aren't home  and I've got an amazing sound system."

I stop myself from bursting into laughter and stand up.

"As much as that sounds amazing to see how slutastic you are I've got plans so maybe another time." I tell her and leave.

There is no way I would ever go out with her she seriously needs to stop trying.

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