Chapter 87- Waking Up From A Nightmare

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Chapter 87- Waking Up From A Nightmare

Recap: The beeping persists and I keep screaming, unaware of the flurry of doctor's around me, trying to figure out whats wrong.


Only screaming and beeping.

Where am I? Whas happening? Why can't I see?

Someone just pricked me and I fall down onto a pillow.

I'm on a bed.... in a hospital..


"Brooke can you hear me? Brooke?" A blurry face is in front of mine.

"Y-y-y-es-s. I croak out.

My throat is so dry...

"Wa-a-at-er-r." I manage to get out.

The blurry face disappears and reappears clearer with a cup of water in hand.

I see that it is a doctor helping me drink.

Coming to, I sit up and take in my surroundings.

"What the hell happened?"


"Mr. SIlverpaw, your girlfriend has woken up." A nurse comes and tells me.

Charlotte smiles at me in support, and then I get up to go see my mate.

Poor Charlotte is worried out of her mind. No one knows what happened, just that Charlotte found Brooke on the floor in the morning with some glitter on her and she wouldn't wake up. Thankfully she did the right thing by calling me from Brooke's cell phone.

When I walk in to the room the doctor is doing some tests to see if she is concussed.

"Hoodie.." I smile at her warmly when the doctor leaves.

"Blaine!" Her face lights up.

"How are you feeling love?" I ask her.

"Perfect actually. Doctor says I'm ready to go." She triesto get out of bed but I stop her.

"Thats bull. You were found unconcious didn't wake up until now which is half way into the night, and when you did wake up, you woke up screaming."

Brooke frowns.

"When you put it that way it sounds like I should be put in an asylum. I was just scared..."

I pull up a chair next to her bed.

"Brooke," I start, "I have to many people that I love in the hospital. So tell me, what happened?"

Brooke crinkles her nose adorably in thought.

"I'm not exactly sure." She answers. "I was thinking, and then I just wasn't. As if someone hit me or something."

I groan.

Just what I needed! One more day until the attack and there are more mysteries.


Blaine kisses my foregead before leaving and tells me that he'll call my friends so that they can come by and visit me here in the hospital.

I click the button on to turn on the T.V. so I have something to do as I sit hers.

The Lying game comes on and I snuggle deeper into my comforter.


My eyes flutter open and first thing I see is my friends sitting in chairs by the window.

When did I fall asleep?

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