Chapter 25- The pain, the hurt, the confusion

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Chapter 25- The pain, the hurt, the confusion

Blaine walks me to my front porch and we stand there in the light above the door.

"I had an amazing time." I tell him.

"Me too." He takes my face in his hands, "Brooke you are an amazing girl, I love you, and I would love if you will allow me to do the honor of being your boyfriend."

My heart skips a beat. 

He says he isn't romantic but that is the sweetest thing I have ever heard. His eyes twinkled with sincerety and all I want to do is kiss him, but I am not going to melt and give in.

"Is an honor now?" I flirt.

"Any person who's lucky enough to know you its an honor."

Oh.... This time I do melt... and I do give in.

"If you put it that way.. I would love to".

He gives me a kiss on my forehead and I go inside.

When I close the door, I lean my back against it and burst into laughter, and then slowly the laughter begins to turn into tears, which then turns into sobs.


I leave Brooke's house feeling like I am glowing.

My mate is the most amazing girl in the whole world. She is beautiful, witty, funny, and I had so much fun with her.

When I get to my house Jake is sitting on my front porch.

"Emergency Blaine. Big energency." he says with a pained look, "Come quick."


So much blood everywhere. She's laying on the floor.

Molly and Emma are crying. 

I squat down in front of her body pressing my fingers to her throat.


"Ella." I call to her conscience, "You need to shift back."

She looks so tired, so hurt, as if she wants to just let go.

"Hang in there Ella." I tell her, "Shift back."

"It............... hurts." I hear faintly in my mind.

"Ella baby, listen to Blake." Jake says in a miserable voice.

She slowly shifts back, crying and screaming, but shifts back none the less.

Jake covers her with a blanket and bends down to pick her up.

"No," I stop him, "Mason go get the pack's doctors. They will bring stretchers."

Andrew wraps his arm around Rhianna and Molly goes with Mason.

"Jake, it'll be okay." I say clamping my hand on his back.

Withen seconds the pack doctors are upon us with stretchers and lifting Ella on to them.

As they lift her away I walk over to Andrew and ask him what happened.

"We were not really with her but came after the attack. There was five of them... we saw them retreat, tried to follow them to no avail."

I growl.

This damn pack is hurting to many.

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