Chapter 32- Free clothes and a bomb dropped

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Chapter 32- Free clothes and a bomb dropped


I run over to Brooke's house. I sniff the air.

She's not home...

No problem.

I can wait.

I sit down on the step.


"Darling! You were amazing." Mr. Gucci says.

I'm spacing on his real name.

"Give me your digits we must keep in touch." He smiles.

"Thank you. I will." I smile back.

"MARIA!" Mr. Gucci smiles. "Take Brooke and her 2 friends who are trying to hide behind the clothing, to the room, let them each pick an outfit."

I hear Layla and Kat's giggling from all the way over here. Maria takes us to the room and my clothes & purse are on the couch.

 "Enjoy." Maria tells us leaving us there in the room, to pick all the clothes we want.

"OH MY" Kat starts.

"GOD." Layla finishes.

I laugh.

"Lets try things on!" I exclaim.


Its been like an hour and a half... Where is she?


I put on the outfit I chose and show Layla and Kat.

Its a navy blue maxi dress that shows A LOT of cleavage. It basically covers the boobs but shows the middle and flows down like water cascading down. And for the shoes, am wearing silver sandals wrap around heels.

"I love!" Kat giggles, "Now how about me?"

She twirls around.

Kat is wearing a black soft cotton tank top, with a cropped jeans jacket with no sleeves and blue sequins on the chest, a short flowing black mini skirt that has two zipper pockets, and blue bootie heels.

It suits her very nicely.

"I like it." I tell her, "How about you Layla? Can you model for us?" I laugh.

Layla pretends to walk down a catwalk with a really goofy look on her face.

She is wearing a coral sleeveless dress, with a sort of tutu on it by the hips protruding from the dress. Her shoes make the whole outfit completely being sparkly silver pumps.

"Aren't we sexy?" Kat says in a faux British accent.

I pick up three pairs of sunglasses and hand them to my friends.

"Shall we?" I grab my new bag, old bag with my clothes in it, and we put on our glasses.

"We shall." and we strut out of there.


I close my eyes and decide to doze off for a little bit.


"Blaine you've got a responsibility to the pack." Jake's face tells me.

"But she's your mate!" Molly's voice says.

"We killed him 17 years ago." My father appears.

"Blaine!" "Blaine!" "Blaine!"

Everyones calling me!!

"Blaine!" I hear someones voice call for me.

I open my eyes and a very angry Brooke with her arms crossed is looking at me.

I check her out.

She looks incredible! I see she's not as affected by this as I am.

"What are you doing here?" She asks with anger in her voice.

I stand up.

"You look beautiful."


"We need to talk." 

"No we don't."

"We do Brooke, we really do."

"NO BLAINE! I told you already. I broke up with you already. I am sorry if you feel that it is the wrong decision but it is the decision I have made. You should of known approaching me that I don't believe in all this shit. I do not love, and nor do I think we are soul mates. SO BUG OFF OKAY! I DON'T LO-"

"I am a werewolf." I interrupt.

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