Chapter 20- Are we soul mates?

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Wattpad is the only thing keeping me grounded right now. My mom is uber stressed with my house and all, and im sick. So yeah.

Here is my post hurricane update


Chapter 20- Are we soul mates?


"Alright people. We need to make a patrol." I tell Jake, Ella, Mason, Molly, Emma, Rhianna, and Andrew.

"It shouldn't be just us. We should get some adults to help us. We can't just do it ourselves." Jake says.

"Thats a good idea." I agree, "Molly and Rhianna, spread it around that we need volunteers. Mason and Andrew go looking for Gabe we need his help as well. After the fight he ran off but we need to find him. Jake your with me."

We disperse and Jake and I go to find my mother. I need as much as support as I can get and I know my mother will support me in anything I do.

We find her in the garden with Jakes mother drinking tea.

"Hello boys." Mrs. Chauncey says.

"Hey mom." Jake says kissing his mother on the cheek.

"We actaully came to speak to my mother about something." I tell her, "And I guess you can help as well."

"Whats up?" My mom asks.

"Has father told you about the attacks?"

"Yes. He did."

"So terrible." Mrs. Chauncey adds.

"Well I'm setting up a patrol to keep a look out for attacking wolves. Father may not approve so I need you to stand by me and support me."

My mother smiles at me proudly.

"Of course I'll stand by you. Thats what mothers are for." She tells me.

"You are going to be a great Alpha." Mrs. Chauncey adds.

Lets hope.


 "So are you together?" Theo asks me.

I told him about everything, well besides for the wolf part. I'm still not exactly sure what happened. Especially when I thought Blaine was one of the wolves. One minute Gabe was telling me to close my eyes the next wolves were going to attack me.

"I am actually not sure." I answer, "Like sure my heart wants to but my brain keeps telling me no. You don't need a guy."

"Well the way I see it is, follow your heart, and if your heart is telling you to be with him then you want to be with him." he says.

I blush.

"Now when are you going to Layla and Kat."

I freeze.


"I didn't even think about that! WHAT DO I DO?" I shout.

I mean its Layla and Kat. They will probably at first be super excited for me and then get angry that I didn't tell them sooner. Even if it JUST happened.

Theo laughs.

"Well you better think quickly because they just pulled up in your driveway."  

I run to the living room window.

"OH GOD!" I exclaim

They really just pulled up into my driveway!

I jump at the sound of their knocking on the door.

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