Chapter 84- Riding with the wolves

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I apologize for trying to speed this up :p


Chapter 84- Riding with the wolves


"You really didn't have to get her anything." Ari says to me as we watch her play with her new stuffed wolve she calls Dove.

"I wanted to. She has grown on me, I think I have mentioned that before." I say back.

"Grrr..." Mia makes the wolf growl.

Ari smiles at her daughter with love. 

"Did Mason come bye?" I ask curiously.

"Yes." Ari blushes, still watching Mia.

"Did you tell him?"

Ari blushes even more.

"You did? And?"

"He told me we are soulmates."

I secretly smile.

Close enough...

"Ari's in lo-o-o-ove!" I tease.

"Why do I even talk to you?" She pretends to be annoyed with me.

"Because I'm AMAZING!" I exclaim in laughter.

"Well now that you've gotten your way with Mason I need to meet this Brooke girl you're always texting when you are here."


"Not maybe, yes!"

"We'll see. Maybe after her birthday."

"Which is in....?"

"Three days."


I quickly send out a group message to Jake, Mason, Molly, Andrew, Emma, and Rhianna.

"Any news on Gabe? Cancel BBQ we need a pack meeting. 3 days."

"Whats wrong?" Ari asks sensing a change in my mood.

"I've got to go. But I'll be back tomorrow." I answer. With that, I run out.


I finally find them in the basement tending the wolf's wound.

"Hello? Are you all werewolves?" I ask, trying to get their attention.

"Alex you need to shift back sweet heart." The woman from before tries to coax the limp wolf in front of her.

"Exuuusee me? Charlotte." I try again but they are too busy.

"Who was that girl with you?" That boy, Tom, asks Charlotte.

It's like I'm not eve here; a ghost.

"Right here bro!" I scream.

Everyone in the room stops and looks at me.

"Brooke... you're right here.." Charlotte trails off awkwardly.

"Um yeah... I have been here the whole time. Kind of lonely.." I tease.

"Charlie where are your manners?" The lady scolds her, then steps forward to introduce herself. "I'm Caroline, this is Fran, and this is Tom.

When she says Frank she points to the man in overalls, and when she says Tom she points to the by from before.

I didn't want to be rude and tell her that I figured that out on my own already and say, "Nice to meet you all!" Then pretending I don't know anything, or that I suspect that the wolf is a werewolf I ask, "So will that wolf be okay? Is she your pet or something?"

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