Chapter 57- Run in with the Fam

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Oh my gosh! Best fans in the world!

I really really really really love you guys. Like no exaggaration.

Today on my way home from school and I said how my fans are so suportive and someone else said that I should shut up, and that I don't actually know them so I can't say that, but you know what. SHE IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH. I try to talk to my fans and get to know them, because you are awesome people

So if you are reading my book and enjoying it THANK YOU, And message me sometime, I WOULD LOVE TO CHAT!




Chapter 57- Run in with the Fam

I run to find Layla and Kat to hug them and congratulate them.

We graduated! I actually finished High School, we actually finished High School!

Layla and Kat are with their parents but when they see me heading towards their direction they stop and run up to me, doing exactly what I came to do.

"BREE!" Layla exclaims with a huge smile on our face, which is all anyone ca nd oright now.

"We did it!" I jump up and down like I was on a pogo stick.

There is the best feeling coarsing through my body, making my heart thump fast and head feel light.

I can do whatever I want now! Soon I will be eighteen and then my life will really start.

I can be with Blaine, start my career, and finally be happy.

At the corner of my eye I see someone waving at me to come to them.

Is that Angela and Jay Jay?

I get a little closer to see if it is really them and sure enough Angela is standing there, holding Jay Jay, and James is by here side.

I walk over to greet them and when I am face to face with James I put on a smile.

 "Hey guys!" I say, trying not to overdo with the smiling and the peppiness with them.

"Hi Book!"Jay Jay says back to me opening and closing his hand, attempting to wave at me.

I tickle his tummy and give Angela a hug.

"You really didn't have to come." I tell them, trying to sound as nice as possible.

"But we wanted to!" Angela responds to what I said with a grin from ear to ear, extremely happy to be here.

"After all your family." James adds.

I wince at his use of the word family. The same word Blaine used, but when Blaine said it he sounded much nicer.

"Well it was great for you to come but I better get back to get my year book, I gave it to someone to sign."

The school had handed it out after the history final so that we can have a head start on signatures.

"No don't leave! Let us take you out for lunch." James protests my departure.

"I have plan with friends." I say quickly.

I really, really, really don't want to go out with them. I don't know what I am going to do about the Alpha thing just yet. I try to put it out of my mind and going out to lunch doesn't seem to be the best idea.

"Please." Angela begs.

Oh Angela.

She probably doesn't know the truths about her pack. I shouldn't hurt her because of what her husband does, or did.

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