Chapter 43- Ice cream, study for finals, and college acceptance letters party

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 Chapter 42- Ice cream, finals, and college acceptance letters party

"You know your really sexy when you take control." Blaine says nipping my ear.

"Mmm." I kiss him, "Your just sexy."

Someone bangs on my bedroom door.

Blaine quickly gets off my bed as the door opens and Layla and Kat come in.

"Did we inturrupt something?" Kat asks waggling her eyebrows.

I roll my eyes and also get off my bed.

"Whats up?" I ask.

"We have a message." Layla tells me.

"From who." I ask curiously.

Blaine sits down at my computer desk.

"Your art teacher? She said to remind you about your project due tomorrow and that she has important slash good news for you." Kat says.

Oh. I hoped it was from Theo. I haven't talked to him since he ran out and I miss him.

He was my confident. He'd always give me advice and hell do I need advice now.

"What project did you have to do?" Blaine assk me as he gazes at my picture wall.

Kat fingers some of the drawings, smoothing the papers down.

"Oh, I just had to draw something for her." I answer casually.

I plop back down on my bed with a yawn.

"Anyone up for a movie?" Layla suggests.

"Sure." Blaine shrugs.

"Alright!" Kat agrees.

I just groan.

Layla skips over to my book shelf, pulls off the remote from its place and turns on the T.V.

"What should we watch?" She asks.


Layla and Kat sneaks out of the room and I carefully wriggle off of Blaine, who fell asleep, following them.

We go into the itchen with all our textbooks and decide to study.

I want to do something refreshingly normal.

"I'm taking ice cream Brooke." Kat informs me, "You wan't?"

 "Cookie dough please." I respond.

Layla opens her Maths textbook.

"How do they expect us to remember all this shit!" She exlcaims.

Kat and I laugh as we begin to eat our ice cream.

"Well its called studying..." I tell her,"A new concept to you?"

Layla frowns and continues flipping through the textbook.

I open up a history textbook and say,"So I know we'ce all been dying to ask, what colleges did you get into?"

Kat and Layla's faces light up and get into super peppy, excited mode.

"I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THOSE!" Kat exclaims, "I got in to the school I wanted to get into!"

"You got into CU and NYU?" I ask really proud of her.

"How about you?" Kat directs a question to Layla.

Layla's face becomes somber.

"Well, I didn't get into Yale, like I wanted to.. but I got into Parsons!!"

"WHAT?" I shout extremely, extremely proud of her. "OH MY GOSH THAT IS AMAZING!"

Layla was so worried she wouldn't get in because she wasn't taking art class in school, but I guess all her summer classes on fashion finally paid off.

"And you?" Layla asks me, wanting to know if I got into any schools I wanted to get into.

"I got in to many schools among them were CU, NYU, and Umass!" 

Layla and Kat hug me, and eventually we just have a huge group hug.

"Sorry to ruin the moment here." A half asleep Blaine says inturrupting our group hug,"But someone's knocking on the door."

I don't even take in Blaine's sexy drowsy state and run to the door.

"Come in!" I shout to the person on the other side, as I unlock it.

Standing outside with a sad look on his face, is Theo.

"Theo?" I whisper shout taking a step outside and closing the door behind me, not wanting the girls to hear my conversation with him, "What are you doing here?"

"I cam to apologize." He tells me.

I cross my arms and hug myself.

Its a bit chilly outside..

"Theo.." I start.

"No. Let me." He stops me from continuing to speak,"I am sorry about how I reacted. It was the compeletly wrong thing to do. It was jsut that in boarding school someone recently died, someone I knew and was close with, from self harming herseld. Thats why I am not in new york in boarding school right now. I ditched many classes, got drunk, all to wipe away the fact that she's gone. Then, they expelled me."

"Theo, am so sorry."

"I loved her you know? It just hurt."

I give Theo a hug.

Of course seeing one of his best friends self harmin after all that he would freak out! 

"Don't worry." I reassure him, "All is forgiven, and forgotten. We're having an ice cream, study for finals, college acceptance letters party... Want to join us?"

"Nahhh, I think I'll just go home. I am not really in the modd."

"Oh come on!" I punch him in the arm lightly in jest,"We've got coookiee douuughhh!"

Theo's face starts to break out of its melochany look and into a look of happiness, and love.

"Well alright then! Bring on the part-ay!"

I laugh knowing that would get him to come inside and join us.

For Ice cream is the best medicne for heart ache. 

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