Chapter 6- Nightmares, football, and new friends.

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Chapter 6

I'm running through the forest, barefoot, as fact as I can, in the dark I trip over something and fall flat on my face.

I hear a growl.

I look up and a black wolf, with a scar on his face and one blind eye, starts moving towards me.

I scream and the wolf pounces.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!" I scream as I sit up suddenly wide awake.

That was a horrible night mare...

I grab a piece of paper and pencil and draw a picture of the wolf and feel much better.

What the hell was that all about?!


"Are you sure you've never played on a team before?" Coach Barnaby ask me for the millionth time.

"I assure you coach. I've fooled around with my friends but have never been on a real team." I answer.

This is the truth. My father decided a long time ago that our pack school shouldn't have a football team because it is too dangerous. We are too strong and we were injuring each other way to much. But that didn't stop everyone from playing pick up games or with their friends.

"Well then you are welcomed with open arms now go give me 20 laps. You've got to get ready for the game tomorrow!" he says.

Twenty laps? That's nothing! I don't say anything though. 

Anyways this gives me some time to think.

Why does Brooke interest me so much?

When she bumped into me my kin tingled and my heart starteed to beat incredibly fast. Why? Whats different with Brooke from all the other girls I've been with? None of them ever made me feel like this.

And I am ALWAYS thinking about her. Whats up with that?

"SILVERPAW! THAT WAS 50 LAPS!" Coach Barnaby shouts.

I pretend to be exhausted and stop.

"So-(gasp) rry (gasp), coach." I act.

"Don't tire yourself out. You will strain your muscles. Plus we just started, now do fifty sit ups and push ups."

See! I got distracted!


I turn on the T.V, a pretty little liars marathon is on and I start watching it.

Then I decide I'm going out. I shut it off and go change. Why should I be a hermit?

I decide to dress in something other then a hoodie, or skinny jeans.

I put on a black flowy mini skirt, suspenders, letting them dangle at the sides, a black and white Beatles shirt, with knee high converse. Then I put on little make up on and leave the house.

I throw my skateboard down on the floor and skateboard to the coffee shop.

This coffee shop has the best french vanilla ice coffee I have ever tasted. And I have tasted a lot!

"Can I have a large french vanilla iced coffee with milk and a little bit of sugar?" I ask the boy standing behind the counter.

"It depends." The boy answers.

"What do you mean by 'it depends'!? You work here so work!"

I exclaim getting a little angry.

"Only if you teach me how to ride." He says.

"Gross! No! Find someone else to teach you about things like that." I say disgusted.

The boy laughs.

"The skateboard silly."

I feel kind of stupid now....


"I'm Gabriel." The boy tells me, "Now how 'bout it?"

I smile. I think I like this guy.

"I'm Brooke, and your on, but your buying me that coffee."


Gabriel goes and makes my coffee and I just wait. Just when I am happy someone wa;ls in with her friends who ruins my mood.

"Hi," Amy says flirtatiously to Gabriel, "Can I have a carmel iced coffee, sweet and light, soy milk please?"

"You can wait." Gabriel says a little to rudely, "I'm making Brooke here and iced coffee."

Amy turns and notices me.

"Oh look girls, look who got all dressed up." She says meanly, "Too bad bad boys like him don't go for freaks and whores like you."

Then she turns on her heel and leaves the store with her friends and without a coffee.

'Ignore her." He tells me, "She's a lying slut. Your cool."

I smile.

"Oh we are going to get a long REALLY well." I tell him.


I sling my backpack and clothes on my back and shift into my wolf, running through the forest that is nex to school to get home.

"Son?" My father calls to me telepathically.

"Yes?" I say back.

"Where are you?"

"On my way home."

"Good. See you there."

I am about to ask him why he wants to know but I feel his presence leave my head and I am not in the mood to call to him.

I run quicker.

Something is definitely going on.




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