Chapter 76- Shoots and Ladders

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Chapter 76- Shoots and Ladders

"Kat you coming over now or at 7?" Layla asks into the phone that we have on speaker phone because we have no hands at the moment.. 

We are sitting on my bedroom floor cutting with saftey scissors, because those were the only scissors I could find in my room, and gluing thing on to a poster.

To cheer her up, I told her we could do whatever she wants as long as it happens in the house. So she wanted to make a fan package for some youtube star she loves.

"What do mean, no!" She screams into the phone for the millionth time. 

"Your ditching us? Kyle? Well fine.... thats a good enough excuse.. mhmm... okay.. BYE HAVE FUN MEANIE!"

I stare at Layla with an expression showing how weird I think she is.

"WHAT YOU LOOKING AT? Continue coloring!" She orders like a general in war.

I roll my eyes and continue coloring in the letter I was working on.

"She has a date I take it?" I say uncapping the glitter stick.

"Sort of. Kyle needed help babysitting his baby brother." Layla informs me.

"Kyle from the dance right?"

"Yep." She pops the 'p'. "They be clicking!"

I laugh at her gangster voice.

The house phone begins to ring, the caller ID telling me its Theo. He set his name to sexy beast so everytime it calls I hear the robotic voice say, "Sexy Beast" and fail.

Layla who had just picked up Max walks over to the reciever my mother hooked up in my room so she can answer her call.

"What Theo?" Layla ask into the phone with an exasparated tone if voice.

All I can hear is "meep meep beep meep," and then she hangs up the phone.

"Theo and Emily are coming over." She tells me.

Well looks like we'll have more hands for the poster..


"Oh no! I have to go down the slide!" I pretend to be sad.

"Haha Blaine is going to loo-oose." Mia teases.

"Now don't tease him." Ariana scolds her daughter. "He will get sad and cry."

"No he won't! Thats what babies do. You aren't a baby right Blaine?"

"I don't know Mia, that hurt." I pretend to begin to cry.

Mia giggles and then kisses my nose.


Her infectious smile causes my play act to cease and I smile along with her.

"All better kid." I ruffle her hair.

A nurse walks into the room with a clipboard and a smile, unlike Mia's, completely fake.
"NURSE SAMMI!" Mia crawls off her mother's bed, leaving our Shoots and Ladders game, and runs to hug the nurse's legs.

I assume this is the nurse Mia told me about before by the way she hugged her.

"Hey mia. Its time to go now. I'll finish with mommy and then we'll go." She says to the girl who just attacked her with love. Then she notices me. "Hello, you are?"

"Blaine. Blaine Silverpaw, adopted friend." I give a small wave.

"Oh Mia, always latching on to strangers. If we don't stop her the whole hospital will be her friend." Nurse Sammi laughs.

I laugh along out of politeness and the ncheck the time.

"I should probably get going. But I'll come back and visit."

I need to see Brooke.

As much as leaving this girl to a nurse irks me, I must go.

I ruffle Mia's hair and wave before I leave.

I need to talk to her.


"I'm bored." Theo whines as he watches Emily, Layla, and I clean up the arts n' crafts mess we made whilest making a fan package.

Emily glares at him and he shuts up.

I never really asked Emily what was up with Theo. If she does have a mate like she said in front of the girls at dinner during our girls weekend, then what the hell is she doing with him?

"Go read a book or something..... Play with Max, just don't piss us off." Layla snaps.

"Someone's PMSing." Theo sings.

This time all of us glare at him with our fiercest glares.

"Okay, okay!" Theo surrenders, "I'll go make us all smoothies. GEEZ!"

After we finish cleaning up, Layla puts on some music in the backround and goes on my computer. Meanwhile I go into my closet and change out of my glitterful clothing.

As I pull off my top my phone buzzes in my pocket.

I lean on a closet door and check my messages.

'At ur house. Meet me outside?' from Blaine.

I grab my Of Mice and Men muscle top, with a bandou under it, and do as he asked.

The second he sees me he runs over and hugs me.

I must say it was a bit awkward with the crutches but it was just what I needed.

"Are you okay?" I ask at the same time he says, "I'm so sorry for scaring you."

"You go first." I nudge Blaine.

"Its alright." Blaine nudges back, "You can ask the questions."

We sit down on the steps that lead to my front door and I begin to act like the worried girlfriend.

"What the hell happened? What was up with that phone call? Marcie scared me half to death! Yo uwere acting crazy? WHAT.HAPPEND?"

"Well if you stop asking all your questions at once I'll tell you." Blaine teases.

I cross my arms to show him I'm serious.

Blaine's face returns to seriousness as well and he answers, "My fathers sick. We have our suspicions that the Secta pack has a Witch were child and that Witch were child placed a spell on him causing him to fall ill."

"Werewolves don't get ill.." I state confused.


He is saying that magical powers have been used on his father to make him sick? That sounds so..... crazy!

"Your rage had something to do with that I assume?"

"Yes. Thank you for helping me with that. Your voice was exactky what I needed to hear."

I place my hand on his knee with love.

"Of course. Whenever you need me."

Blaine gives me a curt nod.

"Now about this Witch werewolf thing." I continue, "Why do I have a feeling you have something you want me to do"



I just finished explaining to Brooke everything about what I need her to do for me.

The guilt in me is just racking up, and I wish I didn't have to ask her to do this. I wish I didn't have to ask my mate to put herself in danger for me. But its what my father wants, and is probably for the best.

I watch as Brooke hangs up on the call with her uncle.

Kissing her softly, I thank her again.

What would I do without her?

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