Chapter 53- Good Night

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Hope ya'll had an amazing new years! I know I did!

The party, the chamagne, and most of all A NEW CHANCE.

This new year begins the voting for The Watty Awards. So please, if you hven't done so before, go back and DO IT! For me?


Thank you for being the best fans ever!

And P.S. when it say cue music, press play on the link on the side, and put it on in the backround not to high but enough so you can hear it.

Happy New Years!


Chapter 53- Good Night

"When I walk on by

Girls be looking like damn he fly.


Move to the beat,

Walk in the street in nude freak.


This is how I roll,

Come on ladies its time to go.

Ahhhh girl look at that body,

ahhhh girl look at that body."

Blaine pretends to flex his arm and sings along, "I WORK OUT!"

I begin to laugh at his ridiculousness.

"Sexy Blaine." I tease.

The music changes and Blaine and I go join the others taking a rest from dancing by the punch table.

"Having fun?" I ask Kat as I lean against the table.

Kat smiles at Kyle, and answers, "The best night!"

Blaine hands me a cup of punch and I swallow it down fast.

My throat was so dry; dancing really makes you thirsty.

"Were any of you guys crowned Summer Ball princess?" Layla, also taking a rest, asks us.

"I was." Ella says shyly.

"Really?" Jake exlaims.

I take it Jake didn't know that.

She nods and blushes from the attention.

Ever since Ella came back from being sick she has been acting shy and reserved in big public spaces. When we were at my house she was hyper, and crazy.

"Thats great!" Molly says happy for her.

"Why didn't you tell us? We could have helped you campaign." Emma says.

"Eh," Ella shrugs, "Its not my thing."

"They should be announcing it soon." I tell everyone.

Sure enough, after I say that, the music stops, and Mark Lazerson, the president of the student council in our school, takes the mike.

"Ehem," He taps it to make sure it is working properly. "Hello? Excuse me! May I have all of you attention please."

Everyone ignores his request, and continue their conversations.

"HEY!" He tries again this time in a much louder, and more demanding tone of voice, "ITS TIME TO ANNOUNCE THE SUMMER COURT."

This time the gym goes quiet.

"Thank you," he sighs, "As I was saying... The summer court.. May the prince and princesses please come up to the stage. Jordan Levy, Sam Telle, Erik Steiner, Jon Saben, and Kyle Richards, are our princes. Amy Taylor, Ella Schaff, Sabrina Lyons, and Katie Sands are our princesses."

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