Chapter 79- New Allies

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I seem to be typing faster and faster. We only have thirteen chapters till the end.... I guess I want it to be the end? But I don't? Its weird...

I'm weird..



Chapter 79- New Allies

"Molly? Why would you want to see Holly?" Curlie, who I have learned is actually named Tim, questions.

"She's my advisor." I tell him.

"But thats the Beta's job!" Baldie, or Jared, exclaims.

Thats exactly what she said when I told her that. But I need a girl close to my age by my side.

"Well now Omega's do as well, but I don't want her father. I want Holly, so please call her." I order.

Melodie rolls her eyes and James leaves the room.

"I still don't understnad why you would want my daughter to be here. If anything Jasmine should be the one you call not Holly." She says.

"You're Holly's mother?" I ask, taking in the new information.

"Umm, duh.. What are you stupid?" She insults.

I see the relation to Jasmine but not with Holly.

"Watch your tone." I warn.

"Maybe you should watch yourself Melodie." Baldie chimes in, "You need to respect your Alpha."

I much prefer their nicknames over their real names. Its easier to remember.

I sit up confidently in my seat and Melodie shrinks down.

"Hello?" Holly's voice rings through the house.

Gettting up from my seat, I go to greet her and see James talking to her about respect.

"HOLLY!" I swoop in and save her.

"Brooke! Hi!"

I lead her into the room saying, "Thank G-d your here."

Pulling up a chair next to me, in between her mother and I, Holly sits down putting on peppy mode.

"What are discussing?" She asks.

"Why Brooke chose you over Jasmine." Melodie says sourly.

"Melodie, thats enough!" James returns, "You are acting like a child."

"Why exactly have you brought me here?" Holly whispers to me.

"I told you when I was here last time I need you to help me with things around here." I whisper back.

"You girls both know you are sitting in a roomful of werewoles and we can hear you perfectly right?" Curlie says to the both of us.

Holly blushes, and I just ignore what he just said.

"Did you just finish writing and perfecting the plan?" I ask everyone at the table.

"We did." Baldie tells me.

Melodie rolls her eyes and gets on my last nerve.

"Please leave." I order in harsh voice.

She looks at me incredelously.

"Are you serious?"

"I said something. Get. Out."

Melodie glares at me, and leaves us reluctantly.

I sit up confidently, feeling good about myself.

If I am going to be Alpha or at least pretend to be one, I might as well act like one.

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