Chapter 4- Detention and Detestion

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Did you know I love you guys? True story...

This story is dedicated to my lovely Emmakins:D And yes I am dedicated a chapter of Clueless in Paris to her as well. She is amazing and I love her! TOTALLY SPIES AND POWER PUFF GIRLS UNITE:D XD Thats right we love power puff girls and totally spies, your jealous.

I'll stop talking now and let you get to my story:D Ps since Emma forgot that she offered to be my editor I need one.


Chapter 4 

As I sit in 7h period my mind keeps going back to lunch. Why the hell was I jealous of Amy? Amy is a mean, self centered slut who hits on any guy with an appendage and I'm pretty sure when she's done with guys she'll move on to girls.

I put on the song 'If everyone cared' by Nickleback on to fit my mood.

I pull out my sketchpad and begin to draw absent mindedly.

When I draw its like I am in a whole different world, sort of like when I listen to music. I can't hear whats going around me and my hand takes control of what I am doing. If someone were to try to talk to me I wouldn't be able to hear them because I'd be so into what I was drawing.

I stop drawing for a second and take a look at my paper. I look and realize I am drawing a picture of Blaine.  SHIT!

I quickly close the sketchpad.

And then I realize I am listening to 'Stole my heart' by one direction.

Damn it! Why is g-d being so annoying right now!

"Like I'd like that impotent, cocky, pigheaded, ego maniastic, jerk." I mutter to myself, making up a word because he bothers me that much.

"Thinking about me? I'm touched!" A very familiar voice that I haven't heard in so long say. Who is-

"OH MY GOSH THEO! I thought you were in boarding school in NYC?!" I exclaim.

"Excuse me Ms. Moratti, are we inside or outside?" Mr. Zeldrof asks.

"Shhh Mr. Zeldorf! My borther from another mother is back from boarding school!" I shush not caring about if I get detention anymore.

"Yeah!" Theo chimes.

Mr. Zeldorf's face looks like its about to explode.

"Ms. Maritto, Mr. Cunnington OUT! AND DETENTION!"

Wait... Theo doesn't even go to this school.

"Peace out suckas!" He cries running out of then room with my stuff in one hand and my arm in the other.

As soon as we get into the hallway we burst into laughter.

"His face! Was hilarious!" Theo exclaims.

"Mr. Maritto, Mr. Cunnington OUT! And DETENTION! You don't even go to this school" I agree mocking Mr. Zeldorf. "Only you can get detention in a school you don't even go to." 

"Well they don't call me cunning-ton for nothing."



"So you going to try out for football? Because you and your friends really should." Matt, my new human friend tells me as we walk through the halls. "We have a great team this year, and.."

He starts going on and on about the weather and how its perfect for football when I hear Brooke's voice........ with a, guy?

My ears perk up.

"Mr. Maritto, Mr. Cunnington OUT! And DETENTION! You don't even go to this school. Only you can get detention in a school you don't even go to." Brooke laughs.

"Well they don't call me cunning-ton for nothing." The boy says.

"Silverpaw? You even listening to me?" I hear Matt ask me faintly.

I focus back on Matt.

"Yeah, yeah. Try out for football, good team, good weather.? I repeat.

"Good. And what kind of last name is silverpaw. I mean..."

Then he starts going on and on about last names.

Who was he talking to? Her boyfriend?

I let out a little growl at the thought of it.

I check to see if Matt heard it but he's too busy rambling about last names.

So is he?

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