Chapter 27- Harm and realization of sadness

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Okay so you guys are actually going to hate me this chapter.

Like you are going to want to jump out of the computer screen and stab me, and kill me multiple times.


*Cowers as you begin*

Chapter 26- Harm and realization of sadness

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" Blaine says giving me a kiss and dropping me off at home.

"Mmm" I reply and get out of the car.

Today was exhausting. I cannot wait to take of my clothes. Pretending to be someone you're not is harder then I expected.

I unlock my house door and walk in.

"HI!" Theo exclaims popping out of no where.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" I shriek on the top of my lungs for bloody murder. "JESUS THEO! What was that for?"

"Fun." He laughs.

I jump on his back and and give him a noogie.

THE NERVE! He nearly gave me a heart attack!

"Why are you so hot?" He asks raking is eyes up and down my body violatingly.

I punch him in the arm, hard.

"I am tired. Go pick a movie and lets watch." I order.

I am not only physically tired, but mentally tired as well.

Theo literally RACES to my television screen in my room as I go into my mother's room and take some of her pyjamas. I miss her for some reason this time. I miss her alot.

Sometimes I even miss my father, even though he left my mother and I all alone. I wonder why he did it. My mother is an amazing women and I love her so why doesnt/didn't he?

When I get to my room I see Theo picked out the movie Immortals.

I just shrug and curl up next to Theo, falling aslleep two minutes in.


"BITCH!" Theo says waking me up, "You missed the movie! IT WAS THE BEST MOVIE IN THE WHOLE WORLD. It was gory, and violent, and bloody, and UGH!"

"It is time like these where I realize why I never suspect your gay."

"I'll be the straightest gay ever! Plus I am too awesome in the sack to be wasted on a guy.

"Ew!" I shriek jumping out of the bed, "I am going to take a ashower and try to erase that thought from my mind."

"It'll only make you wonder more!" He screams after me.

I change out of my close and take a look at myself at the mirror side ways.

I am not fat am I? 

Did my father think my mother was fat? Maybe he was one of those freaks who didn't want their wives to get pregnant because it would ruin her figure, when she insisted and and then he saw that she was a little fatter he dumped her.

No thats a little ridiculous... But it could be true.

But why wouldn't he want me? Did he not realize how much his decision would affect my mother and I's lives? Or maybe he just didn't care.

I mean look at me.

He ruined me. 

I am being fake and acting like someone completely different then who I am. But why am I like this? Because of him! 

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