Chapter 49- Some are just oblivious

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Haha hey guys! Hope you are enJOYing..

I am sorry to say that you may not like this early christmas present/late channukah/kwanza  present that I am giving you.. 

But its a present none the less...



Chapter 49- Some are just oblivious

When Rhianna drops me off at home I see lights on um my house. Its still pretty early, six o clock maybe, so the cleaning lady who is supposed to come at seven thirty shouldn't be here yet.

Whose in my house/ 

I thank Rhianna for taking me home and take a deep breath as I open the unlocked door.

I keep quiet and creep around, checking for an inturder.

There is a loud crash in the kitchen, and I jump in fear.

Slowly, I creep into the kitchen, broom in hand, ready to hit the intruder, only to see Kat and Layla looking through my fridge.

"Girls?" I say putting down my broom.

What are they doing here?

They both turn around with foods in their hands.

 "Hello there." Kat says awkwardly.


 They put the food down on the island and close the fridge.

"Where have you been?" Layla asks opening the bag of bread she put down on the island.

"With Blaine." I answer.

"You forgot about us?" Kat asks another question as she opens the nutella, handing it to Layla.

Forget about them? Did we hav-OH! I totally forgot to tell them I couldn't make it. We had plans to go dress shopping, and I totally left them hanging.

"I am soooo sorry!" I apologize, "We can go now!"

Layla and Kat pretend to think about it and eventually their face's break out itnto smiles. 

"We can't stay mad at you..." Layla says.

"Lemme finish my sandwich." Kat tells me stuffing her face, and sliding my phone over.

I can't help but laugh.

They're ridiculous.


I lay down on my bed in my room.

I am using all my will power not to run over to Brooke's house.

The pull is getting stronger, and stronger I don't think I can deal, if it keeps getting this bad, for another week.

I hear a knock on my door and use my speed to open it.

Marcie is standing there back in her maids outfit with a worried look.

"Hey." She says softly and lovingly.

"Hey." I say back letting her in and closing the door behinf her.

"You okay?" She asks, sitting down on my swivel chair.

I run my hand through my hair and sigh.

"I guess, my wolf just wants her so much." I answer.

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