Chapter 39- College and Worries

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How are you?

You good?

I would like more explicit coments please? I hate to ask but I need honest opinions, suggestions, and guesses what will happen in the future.



Chapter 40- College and Worries


I jump out my window and land on all four paws, shifting midair.

I sniff the air following the scent of the patrol.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is." I hear a snakes voice behind me. 

I growl and turn around James.

"Shift back into your human state. No need for violence." He says.

I don't know why but I listen to what he said and shift back into my human state.

He continues talking to me, niether one of us affected by my nudity.

"All alone Blainey boy?" James mocks.

"Bug off." I snap at him.

"Calm down. Why are you always so angry and agressive. There is more to life then that." He says to me.

"Stay away from Brooke!"

I don't give a shit about him being her uncle. He is evil, rude may I add, and he and his Secta pack need to be destroyed.

James sighs.

"We've had this conversation already Blaine.." He says in a bored tone, "I can't do that! She belongs with me."

"She is MY mate." I emphasize on the word 'My'.

She is MY mate which means she belongs with ME. Not James' pack. NEVER JAMES' PACK!

"So? Soon when she meets her pack, her real family, she will love us, realize we are better for her, and you? She can live without."


I finish up all easy, homework, study time, and look at my guitar.

My father sang huh...

No wonder why I love it so much...

I'm probably horrible compared to him.

'Yo Brooke. We hanging tom? -L' Layla texts me.

I tear my gaze away from the guitar and write a text back.

'Dunno. IDK Uncle J is bac.'

':) Kay.'

I put down my phone and jump on my bed.

Maybe I should call my mother. I haven't spoken with her since I can't remember.

I press 2 on speed dial and she picks up after 3 rings.

"Brooke! Honey, hi!" My mom says sounding very happy to hear my voice. 

"Just checking in!" I tell her.

"Thank you sweetheart. Its awesome here, its hard work, but gorgoues nonetheless." 

"Thats good."

"And you? Hows school? Art?"

"Good, good."

I miss her. I miss my mum.

"Get any acceptance letters yet?"

"Acceptance letters?" I ask not sure what she is talking about.

"You knwo from the colleges you applied to?"

I completely forgot about those!

I haven't even checked the mail in three days!

"None yet!" I lie.

"Well I've got to run doll. Love you."

"Love you too mum."

The second she hangs up I run downstairs to check the mail and take a deep breath.

Here I go.


After my encounter with James I sneak back into my room and close my eyes, picturing Brooke in my mind.

Her beautiful face, and smile.

I swear nowadays she's the only thing that keeps sane.

"BLAINE!" Someone knocks on my door.


Marcie barges in.

"Why have you not been keeping me in the loop?" She exclaims angry.


"About Brooke? Patrol? I know you don't consider me as one of them and as that kind of friend. But I still like to be told things."

She throws my basket of laundry at me, now all my folded clothes are all over the floor and unfolded.

"Chill Marcie. Things have been a little crazy."

"Too crazy to talk to me?"


Marcie rolls her eyes, crosses her arms stomping out of my room, her streaked black pigtails bouncing behind her.

Sometimes I wonder with that girl. 


So far I have gotten accepted to Harper, and Boston university.

I grab the envelope for columbia.

"Dear Ms. Maritto,

We would be honored to have you in the class of....."

"AHHHHH OMG!" I shout out.

I scramble for another letter and another.

NYU, Umass, CU! All accepted!

This is so awesome! Amazing. I can't believe it.

All the colleges to choose from.

Now all I have to do is graduate, which means study for finals.

I run upstairs to my room and pull out my computer, notes, textbooks on all of my studies I have finals on.

I'm going to college!

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