Chapter 72- Cryptic Messages

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Chapter 72- Cryptic Messages

"I am not going to the doctors office!" My father yells at my mother.

I wince at the use of his loud voice.

"Your sick David!" My mother cries.

I hear something crash and I run into the room.

My father had just thrown a vase against the wall in fustration.

"Are you alright?" I ask my mother.

"Fine." She answeres. "But he refuses to go see Doctor Mantel."

"Well then Doctor Mantel will come see you." I say to him.


"I can't believe you let him in!" My father shouts at me.

"Alpha please calm down." Doctor Mantel pleads, "You will want to hear this."

My father gives me one last glare and then turns his attention ot our guest.

"We have recieved your test results for the second time and we have found unusual brain activity going on in your skull."

My father changes his attitude towards the doctor and says, "What sort of unusual brain activity?"

"We aren't sure sir. I have people working on it."

"David," My mother puts a hand on his arm, "You haven't been yourself lately. Yelling, and thinking your  own son, who loves you, wanted to challenge you isn't the normal you. Something is wrong." 

My father sighs in defeat and I sigh in relief.

He is finally listening.

"So what can we do doc?"


I put my clothes in my bag and get into bed.

"Matt texted me." She tells me as she too climbs in bed.

I turn on my side facing her, happy for her.

"And?" I ask for more information.

"He asked if we could hang out tomorrow." She smiles like a little girl who lost her first tooth.

"Thats awesome!"

She flips the light switch and gets comfortable saying, "Its amazing."

"Whats the problem?"

I know Layla well and I know she does not act as calm as this about a boy. Especially a cute boy who asked her out.

"He's a jock..." She trails off.


"Jocks usually don't end well."

I laugh.

"Too much TV, have you ever seen the happily ever after ones when the jock and shy girl live together forever in love?"

Layla doesn't say anything.

"Go tomorrow, Matt is a good guy." I close my eyes.

"Good night Brooke."



I'm on a plane and there is a faint melody in the background.

I am humming along.

Suddenly there is a bump and a growl.

Whats there?

A wolf jumps on me, pushes me off the plane and I'm falling.

I wake up on the floor and with a bump on my head.

"Shit." I swear under my breath.

I'm going to need to ice that.

I crawl over to my crutches and pull myself up.

What was that dream all about anyways? Making me fall on the floor like that is really uncool.

'Your subconcious mind doesn't like you. It seems.' Luna says smugly.

'Dude. What happens to me happens to you.' I say back pointing out the fault in that statement.

'True but second hand.'

I press on the bump.

'Ow!' She cries out.

'Ha!' I win.

In the dark, I go down the steps and make my way to the kitchen so that I can get an ice pack.

When I get there Toby is sitting at the table drinking milk and eating a cookie.

I look at him surprise.

He's staying here as well?

"Couldn't sleep either?" He asks me as I open the freezer.

"Fell off the bed." I tell him.

The ice pack is too cold in my hand so I wrap it up in a napkin before I put it against my head.

"Spaz." Toby teases.

"Why are you still here?" I ask ignoring him.

"Mom and dad aren't home so Mr. and Mrs. Leeds asked me to stay with them."

"Thats nice."

"Yeah, they took me in like taking in a stray." He says the words as if they had a double meaning.

Did they really mean something else? And if so, what?


My mother and I sit patiently occasionally yawning as we wait for my father to come out of the hospital room.

Doctor Mantel told my father he wants to test him further so my mother and I accomponyed him.

He tried to convince me to fo to sleep but I would not give in.

I was quite stubborn on staying in this exact spot.

Even though it is three o'clock in the morning and I am exahusted.

My father and Doctor Mantel come out of the room, after being in there for a while.

I try to head their facial expressions to see if I can get a hint of some sort to lead to what the test results were.

"Tomorrow." Doctor Mantel says, "You should all get some sleep."

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