Ego (2) (J-Hope)

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   - Dance!AU, EnemiesToLovers!AU
   - Dancer reader, Dancer Jungkook, Dancer Hoseok, Dancer Jimin, Dancer Ryujin (Itzy), Dancer Bora (Sistar).
   - dancers, competitions, emotionally constipated characters, smut, explicit sexual content, angst, fluff, hoseok is bad at feelings, reader is worse at feelings tho, reader is annoying, tantrums, fights, bitchin' about each other, jungkook is a sweetheart, blowjobs, oral sex, kissing, jimin is not that important, ryujin is a sweetheart, bora and ryujin are rarely mentioned, reader is a little shit, but not really, jimin is just there to roll eyes at everyone, reader is soooooo bad at feelings, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), happy ending, multiple chapters.

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      Oddly enough, almost half a month later Jungkook is the one to reach out to you.

      It was late in the evening and you were going home from the gym when your phone rang, cutting the music coming from your headphones.


      "Hey, is this Y/N?"

      The voice wasn't really familiar.

      "Who wants to know?"

      "Oh sorry, this is Jungkook from the Triple J dance crew. I got your number from the audition papers you filled out a while back, hope you don't mind." he spoke, voice unsure as if he'd break into a stutter any second now.

      "No, not at all. Did you happen to change your mind about the choice?" you laugh lightly, but the only sound that reached your side of the line was an uncomfortable laugh from Jungkook as he replied with a quick "No...sadly not about that."

      "Then to what do I owe the pleasure?"

      "I was wondering if you'd join a workshop I'm holding this weekend back at the same studio?"

      "Oh? What day? I work Sundays."

      "It's on Saturday, three hours in the morning and three more later in the evening." he tells you and you nod.

      "Yeah, I'd be happy to join. Thanks for remembering to give me a heads up, Jungkook." you smile to yourself, silently proud that at least your dancing and skills caught someone's eye.

      It doesn't even have to be Jung's.

      "Great. Guess you can just save my number, and I'll text you the exact time later."

      "Uhhh...I have just one question?"


      "Will the rest of your team be there too, or...?" you trail of and the line is quiet for a second before Jungkook speaks up again.

      "Ohh, not this time, this is just my solo work. Is that an issue?"

      "No, no! That's perfect actually. Guess I'll see you on Saturday then?"

      "Yeah." you can feel the smile behind his gentle tone, "Bye now Y/N."


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      When you join the class it's not as big as the auditions were, but the amount of people is still quite overwhelming.

      You stopped by the coffee shop on your way there, and after stalking Jungkook's Instagram account thoroughly, decided to get him a pack of banana milk when you saw they were selling it at the shop too.

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