My job (Jimin)

286 11 1

- Sport!AU
- Referee Jimin, Referee Reader, Soccer player Jungkook, Soccer player Hoseok, Referee Seokjin
- quarrels, banter, fluff, no actual sadness but like angst i guess, domestic feeling bullshit, friends to lovers, soccer, jungkook is an asshole, jimin is a sweetheart, with a bit of a white knight complex, but valid, reader is a strong independant woman, or she tries very hard to be, she is also in a field that has the odds stacked up against her, semi pro soccer, just a bunch of feels i guess, denial, bad with feelings reader

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The morning was as gloomy as ever.

Although despite the gray skies, there was no rain, or rather no rain yet, and the summer heat was packed in the air, suffocating.

Being n the field made it a tiny bit easier, the grass didn't hold up heat like concrete did, but that didn't make the situation much better.

You still had to run around, not playing the game, but keeping your eyes trained on the ball, watching out for any misconduct on the field.

Today was the eleventh game where you were being a referee in in the mans semi pro league.

It wasn't that big of a deal, just a regional tournament, but you were the second female referee to ever get a chance to work in anything other than amateur leagues in your region.

Especially in the men's league.

When the whistle blows from the sidelines, you swear the ugly sound keeps ringing in your brain longer than it actually lasts.

You glance over to Jimin and he beckons you over to your bench.

"Halftime. Have a drink." he passes you a cold water bottle and instead of drinking you just press it to your cheek and move it to your neck.

"Or that." he chuckles with his own bottle pressing to his bottom lip.

"The weather is disgusting."

"It's not that bad." he says, smile always present on his lips.

"Easy for you to say when you're not the one doing the majority of the work."

"Perks of having the job longer." he shrugs, "You'll get here eventually, just over watching the game from a bigger distance."

The small break passes sooner than you anticipate and with a final gulp of water you head back into the field.

The second halftime isn't even five minutes in when the first shitty tackle of the day happens.

Blowing into the whistle you run over to the two players, one laying on the ground clutching his ankle and the other just a few feet away getting up from the ground with nothing more than a few stains where the grass managed to rub in harder from his slide in.

Jeon Jungkook was a good player, but his sportmanship was up for debate if you might say so yourself.

He was quite the hotheaded player when you get on his bad side.

And although that probably wasn't Jung's intention, he was left with a permanent reminder that you can't be playful with Jeon and drag a ball or two through his legs.

Hence, why he was now on the ground screaming in pain.

"JEON!" you shout after blowing your whistle, watch as players talk around the field, pointing fingers at Hoseok who was being tended to by the medic.

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