Friends (2) (Jin)

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   - Best friend!AU
   - Best friend Jin, Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Original Female Character
   - ruined friendships, ruined relationships, angst, inspired by himym, you might get a lot of himym inspired chapters, sad, explicit language, colorful vocabulary, side sope, you can hate it you can love it idgaf i just want some sope, jin is a dick, jin is also a sweetheart, jins gf tho..., okay she's pretty sweet too, nobody is evil here honestly, all of them are just in a tough spot which is sad, toxic relationships, hidden feelings, proposals, digging up dirt, or rather finding out by accident, joon spilled the tea, hurt reader, hurt jin, hurt gf, ruined friendship groups, hinting at cheating, ambiguous ending somewhat, and have another pretty song

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      An hour later he's at Yoongi's and Hoseok's place and he hauls Jimin's ass over there with him and he needs to talk.


      Jin can't speak up, but a very sleepy Hoseok is ushering him into the apartment, eyes suddenly on full alert at the sight of the two.

      "Why are you here?" Yoongi asked, already pissed that he was woken up from his dream.

      Jimin shrugs because Jin had refused to tell him anything till they were together.

      "We had a fight."

      "Oh no...she didn't...? Did she give the ring back?"

      "Not yet." and then Hoseok is pressing a palm to his chest to soothe himself.

      "Not yet?" Jimin is the one to continue.

      "She want me to stop being friends with Y/N."

      And then while the couple and Jin are quiet, Jimin is laughing out loud.

      "Well good luck with that." he snorts out and then feels everyone's serious gaze on him.

      He's hesitant to continue, but the disbelief is wrapped all over his features.

      " can't be serious?"

      "I kinda get it. You act more couple-y with Y/N than you do with Booyoung." Yoongi adds quietly and sits down besides Jin.

      "But it''s pointless! They are friends for fuck sake!!!" and now Jimin is angry too.

      "Be quiet kid." Hoseok is calm enough to at least try and soothe Jimin but the younger isn't having any of it.

      "Fuck I will!!! You're actually considering to throw away years worth of friendship for a girl?! And with Y/N of all people?! She has never been anything but a friend to you, what's that crazy bitch even have to hold against you?"

      "YAH!" Yoongi is the one to raise his voice this time and that never happens.

      "Have some damn manner and sit your ass down!!!" he's pointing an accusing finger at the furious boy and Jimin mumbles something, but the stern look in Yoongi's eyes isn't having any of it.

      So he sits down.

      But Jin understands him.

      He'd be the same if it weren't for all the things that Jimin doesn't know.

      And he doesn't know anything about him and Y/N.

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      "You shouldn't be allowed to get drunk." Y/N groaned, with both of Jin's arms draped over her shoulders and dragging his feet right after hers.

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