Ego (4) (J-Hope)

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   - Dance!AU, EnemiesToLovers!AU
   - Dancer reader, Dancer Jungkook, Dancer Hoseok, Dancer Jimin, Dancer Ryujin (Itzy), Dancer Bora (Sistar).
   - dancers, competitions, emotionally constipated characters, smut, explicit sexual content, angst, fluff, hoseok is bad at feelings, reader is worse at feelings tho, reader is annoying, tantrums, fights, bitchin' about each other, jungkook is a sweetheart, blowjobs, oral sex, kissing, jimin is not that important, ryujin is a sweetheart, bora and ryujin are rarely mentioned, reader is a little shit, but not really, jimin is just there to roll eyes at everyone, reader is soooooo bad at feelings, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), happy ending, multiple chapters.

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      "You're dancing right now Jeon, what's the point of going to a club?" you yell over the music, trying to focus on both your words and the moves you were making.

      "Come on, the crew is going, it wouldn't kill you to socialize a bit."

      That information makes you stop and Jungkook follows right after, confused by your halt.

      "Is Hoseok coming too? Cause if he is, I'm not going for sure." you whine and Jungkook shrugs.

      "I don't get what's up with you two...didn't he give you a ride home the other day?"

      He goes up to the laptop to rewind the song and you take a sip of your water.

      "Besides, he was the one who told me to invite you..."

      Those words successfully make you choke on a extra big gulp of water, all of it going down the wrong pipe.

      "Jesus fuck." Jungkook smacks you a few times on the back, arm heavy and only making you further struggle to catch your breath, till you slap him away.

      It took you a few good minutes for the red color to drain out of your cheeks from lack of breath.

      "I'm not going." you croak out, with a sore throat.

      "Y/N come on. This isn't just about socializing, being on good terms with Hoseok might get you into another crew if not ours, plus I'm pretty sure he's already suggesting you to a few of them. He knows you're a good dancer and he wants to help you out."

      You roll your eyes, "Could have fooled me."

      "I'll pick you up at nine tonight."

      He finally said, leaving no place for a argument and played the music again.

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      Jungkook was late.

      Of course he was late, he's always late.

      You weren't sure yourself why you stepped out of your apartment when you could have waited upstairs instead of out in the freezing cold night.

      But instead of the car you were expecting, another one pulled up in front of your building, albeit equally familiar.

      Hoseok stepped out and waved you over.

      "Kook's car broke down, he asked me to pick you up."

      No longer willing to stay in the cold you skipped over to the car in time for him to open the door for you and slid onto the cold leather seat that was oddly warm against your even colder legs.

      As soon as Hoseok was in the car he cranked up the heating and while you were reaching for the seatbelt you could feel a gentle hand just barely touch the skin right above your knee.

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