Six (Jungkook)

339 8 6

   - Artists!AU, College!AU
   - Classmate Jungkook
   - angst, fluff, major character death, sick girl trope, film and cinematography majors, arts academy, terminal illness, cancer, no treatment, sad, but sorta wholesome idk, killing stereotypes, group projects, not so sudden death, the illness is unspoken of, relationships with a due date, death, sad boi hours, sad song for a sad fic, even i cried while writing it, warnings were made

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      " one point you'll realize that you're watching the same six movies again and again." the professor spoke up at the very beginning of the lecture when everyone's attention span is at the very peak.

      "That might come as a horrible spoiler to some, but it's a safe space to others. Could you imagine that someone one day in a time long and far from our own decided to tell six stories and mankind said Ah yess! We'll never stray away from these!" he spoke with a amusing quirk to his old raspy and worn out voice, it even made a few people chuckle.

      He begins explaining all the kinds of stories we tell, falls and rises of heroes, tragic endings, happily ever after's, but at some point the silence is broken by the door creaking open, when a girl steps in.

      She bows to the professor.

      The first thing Jungkook notices however is the eyebags under her eyes and the random stray hair falling out of her droopy ponytail.

      He's been there a few times too.

      Oversleeping his alarms one too many times.

      He's in the first row, it's easily noticeable even in the way she gives a sheepish smile and shuffles over to the seat right next to him.

      "Yes...thank you for joining us Y/N. As I was saying..." he continues.

      When she finally settles down he feels a playful nudge to his arm.

      "I turned it in! Three hours late but I did it!" she cheers quietly and he holds back a laugh and gives a tight lipped smile instead.

      Y/N was...well, she was nice to put it simply.

      They chatted every now and then, had two classes in a row together and that was the top of their interactions.

      It was more than enough for Jungkook to grow infatuated with the girl not much different from himself.

      The class passed by faster when he was looking over at the side of her face as she soaked in every single piece of information the old man in front of the class spilled.

      He was so focused that at one point he flinched when a book dropped right in front of him.

      "Pair up." the man said and as if it's second nature Y/N turned to look at Jungkook, eyes inviting.

      "Wanna do this together?"

      "What?...wait...I wasn't listening." he shuffles to sit up in his seat properly and looks over the stapled paper script in front of him.

      "We need to write our own scenario. Like full detail stuff..." she explains lamely and he nods.

       Sure he wants to work with her, he certainly wouldn't wanna go out of his way to meet and try to bond with someone new from the class.

      "So...what are we doing even, do we pick ourselves?"

      "We just pick one of the six arcs, the papers are at the teachers desk for the themes."

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