Family reunion (V)

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   - Sex worker!AU, Cheating!AU
   - Prostitute reader, Client Taehyung
   - crack, angst, fluff, family reunions, bitchy cousins, black sheep of the family, sex work, mentions of prostitution, vulgar language, shameless reader, smoking, who says romance is dead, i do, it is, tae has secrets, reader knows his secrets, reader gets pissed, shit hits the fan, cursing, swearing, and all things that comes with it, storytelling, dick jokes, cousins with sticks up their ass, tae is unfaithful, kind of a bad boy, who's suffocated by a karen type of girlfriend, if you're a karen type of girlfriend don't get butthurt.

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      Oh what a blessing it is to have such high standing relatives.

      You know?

      Those overachievers that got everything going for them?

      The uncle that has a blooming business that served him like hitting a goldmine.

      The uncle that enjoys visiting the country club.

      The cousins that took up riding horses as a hobby and even own three of their own.

      The cousins that have a beautiful marriage.

      The cousins that have gorgeous boyfriends.

      And then you arrive.

      In jeans and a loosely fitting button up, because nobody warned you that you need to dress up.

      But then again...

      Even if they did, you wouldn't have made an effort for them.

      So on you sit in the corner of the room on a chair pushed back into the corner, next to a small table and scroll through your phone, until the bane of your existence steps through the door.

      Now don't get this wrong, Suzy was an amazing friend once.

      When both of your dad's were business partners, the two of you just couldn't avoid each other.

      Sticking together on dinner dates was just the natural thing to do.

      But after your father passed away, and soon after him your mother too, the family business crumpled on your side and you were left with nothing.

      From rich to having two meals a day if you're lucky.

      As cousins and best friends both of you were in your first year of a private university.

      Living off of savings didn't last forever, but eventually you went for an easy way out.

      With the last bits of the money you had, you rented out your own place and began selling off favors to men.

      Everyone knows what those favors are, don't act dumb.

      But at the time, you hid it well and one night when Suzy borrowed your phone for a call.

      You're OTHER phone, she found out a chunk of information about your so called work ethic.

      Trusting her, you told her what happened and why you did it, but of course all of it led to a pile of shit.

      Maybe it took a month after that for the story to catch fire and when random boys on campus began approaching you when you were walking to class, you knew that your trust has been betrayed.

      Bit by bit, it slipped out of control and now, you were that girl at a family gathering that sits in a corner and drinks alone while every person in the room keeps pointing fingers at her.

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