Lock your door (J-Hope)

491 19 4

   - Neighbor!AU, Cheating!AU (very loose)
   - Neighbor Hoseok, Best friend Taehyung, Ex boyfriend Jungkook, Hoseok's best friend Jimin
   - drunk fuck up's, awkwardness, brief mention of ex-boyfriend jungkook, cheating but not really (I mean I at least don't really consider it cheating), it's emotional cheating, hobi is a sweetheart, a sweetheart in a relationship, fluff, I think this is just straight up fluff, surprised? yea me too, maybe a lil bit of smut, making out, sexual tension, all bad decisions begin with tae, say "purple" if you agree, nevermind this is a shitton of fluff in one spot and I hate it

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      The problem with some people is that they repeat that they aren't drunk, until they are blackout drunk.

      In a way, some are lucky.

      Black out drunk for them means their body losing all motor functions.

      But in the tiny amount of nightmare drunks, you stood with that specific species that went black out drunk and kept walking around as the mess you were.

      So a night that started with Taehyung ushering you into your best dress, because...

      "You've been looking like a slob ever since Jungkook..."

      "Don't. Start."

      It was promised to end with you dragging your feet back to your apartment, unaware of your surroundings.

      In your drunk mind you were praying to get up to the third floor without any severe bruising and you didn't really expect for the problem to appear once you were finally on your level.

      So as you were met with two identical doors, side by side your brain was forced to short circuit.

      It's fine, it's all fine.

      You have the key, so where the key fits, it fits.

      You closed your eyes, blindly feeling around for the key hole before you slipped it into the lock and smiled once you heard the soft click as you pulled twisted the knob with ease.

      "Bravo beautiful." you cheered to yourself quietly before you slipped inside, bumping into a shoe rack on your way in, mind so out of it that you forgot you had something like it in your apartment.

      Kicking off your shoes was next and you bee lined straight for the door in front of you.

      It was dark, the blinds were down but by now, despite not having control over your body properly, it was muscle memory  to just flop on your bed straight from the bedroom door.

      You adored how the mattress always became twenty times softer when you were intoxicated.

      You'll give it a few more minutes and then you'll look for your pillow on the other end of the bed too.

      Sadly your short sobering nap was cut off by the light on the nightstand coming on.

      "You're drunk."

      It's not like the voice was unfamiliar, you've heard it sometimes.

      You just can't quite grasp when and where, but the important thing is this wasn't some random creep.

      That was enough to keep your idiot self at peace.

      "And how'd you know that?"

      "You live next door."

      Well fuck.

      "Hoseok?!" you shot up, successfully rolling back and off of the bed and onto your ass.

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