Firsts (Suga)

259 11 1

   - Childhood friends!AU
   - Friend Yoongi
   - established relationship, friends to lovers, but it already happened sorta, dating, fuck up's, awkwardness, sexual tension, smut, fluff, banter, boners, awkward ones, cum play, cum eating, barely there tho, handjobs, first times, its netflix and unexpected chill, unexperienced reader, soft yoongi, yoongi is a snappy sweetheart.

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      It's around 11 PM when you reach his apartment.

      Walking from the bar was a good idea to sober up, but not so good for your poor legs that gave out as soon as you were in the apartment.

      Yoongi merely walked past you, nudging you with his foot in the process to move you.

      "Get up. The couch is literally right there." and with the last bits of strength you dragged yourself over to the couch and spread out on it.

      "Are you sleepy?" you could hear his voice rom somewhere behind the backrest.

      "Not anymore honestly. I think I was just a bit tipsy."

      "Yeah, same. Wanna watch a movie?" he finally shows up and once again pushes you a bit closer to the back of the couch so he can sit.


      A few minutes later you found yourself once again being manhandled by him so he can make space for himself near the edge of the couch.

      "You're fucking heavy."

      "No I'm not! You're just too weak."

      "I've been going to the gym for a few months now!"

      He lays down, putting his left arm out for you to lay your head on it and then pulling you into a head lock for a second, making you squirm in his hold for a second before he let's you go.

      When you glare up at him from where you're now laying on his shoulder, he has his gummy smile on and then he's starting the movie.

      It's decent enough to hold your attention at the beginning, but bit by bit your interest rose.

      An hour in you finally feel your lower back cramp up, so you move a bit, throwing one leg over Yoongi's crossed legs in front of you.

      And as you bring your thigh high up over his hips, you feel his body seize up.

      At first you don't notice why, for a long while you don't, not until he reaches a hand down to your thigh and pushes it a bit lower.

      Your eyes move on their own from the screen to look at what he's doing and you catch the way he subtly tries to fix his pants, further pressing his legs together to hide the way his crotch was bulging. 

      "Oh...shit, I'm sorry."

      You awkwardly shuffle around to let him breathe a bit to which he just holds you closer, eyes still on the movie.

      The thing is, Yoongi has been a friend for a long time, a boyfriend for not so long.

      This was the first time you even stayed so late at his place, naturally you and him were both somehow on the same page, you knew you were gonna stay the night tonight.

      Just to sleep over.

      Nothing else.

      Or at least that's how you imagined it up till now, decidedly that's just cause you never worried about much else.

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