Jumping fences (RM)

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   - Hybrid!AU, Neighbor!AU
   - Cat hybrid reader, Dog hybrid Namjoon, Neighbor Namjoon, Neighbor Jin, Neighbor Jimin, Neighbor Taehyung
   - neighbor feuds, flirting, deals, fluff, crack maybe, reader is a boss babe, namjoon is a intimidating cute vandal, jimin hates cats, taehyung loves them too much, jin is smart, but jin is also an asshole, namjoon is just adorbsable (yes I meant to spell it like that), pining, crushes, hidden crushes, hidden hybrids

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      The loud knocks on your front door were practically expected at this point.

      "Good morning Seokjin." you said, exiting your front door and pushing the pissed off male out of your way.

      The short greeting from the neighbor was muffled by the keys locking your front door before you stepped onto your front lawn to walk to your car.

      "Y/N I really don't want to be a bad start of the day, but can you please do something about your garden and fence, I mean...the garden is your choice but at least paint your fence. This neighborhood needs some class and order and you're ugly lawn is doing it no justice."

      It was always the same rant.

      You sighed, turning around to glare at him.

      "Listen...I'm late for work now, I come home every night at nine and you expect me to do something about a fence in that time? Please Seokjin, it's rustic, it's wooden, I actually enjoy it, feels real and normal. If you mind it, find me a rule that states I need to do this shit for the sake of the neighborhood and I'll paint it." you tell him off, turning away to get in your car.

      In the others yards you could see a few other people coming out to start their day.

      Moving into this neighborhood might have been a nice experience if it wasn't for Seokjin's whining.

      News of a young single woman moving in spread through the street like wildfire and soon enough you had men rounding around your corner every single day.

      Only a few piqued your interest.

      Kim Taehyung for example.

      A young man, owning the flower shop down the street, that even had a garden that asshole Kim Seokjin envied.

      He was endearing, childishly so, so that fact alone made him a big red flag since you were looking for something different.

      Then there was Park Jimin, a gorgeous real estate agent that enjoyed working out and jogging past your house whenever he caught sight of you on your front porch.

      An adequate competitor, but too damn frisky and flirty.

      You could just tell that you most likely weren't the only one who he pounced on every now and then.

      Then oddly enough, in the street full of young, very successful men, you ran into one humble and hard working Kim Namjoon.

      Otherwise known as your next door neighbor.

      As far as he told you, he had moved in a few months before you, bought a house for him and his mother after his fathers passing.

      He even admitted one night when you were chatting over the fence how he moved in alone at first, but couldn't just leave his mother to mourn on her own, it was supposed to be just for a little while.

      You smiled at all the neighbors that were starting their work day and then caught sight of Namjoon walking down to the sidewalk.

      "Joon!" you called out before he could turn his own way.

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