Voilá (V)

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   - Cheating!AU, Artists!AU
   - Pianist Taehyung, Singer Reader, Singer Jungkook, Singer Jimin 
   - listen to the song for the sake of the vibe, angst, no happy ending i guess, no endgame, implied sexual content, cheating, emotional cheating, sadness, taehyung is kind of cold kind of an ass kind of a piece of shit, toxic relationship, tae is bisexual, crying, idk how i'll write this, like idk the format cuz i need to include lyrics, or maybe i do, lying, jungkook is a doe eyed sweetheart, art, faking a happy relationship i guess, sorta, not all of it, but at the end of it, break ups, gossip, tae and the reader are postgraduates and jungkook is a undergraduate, mild abuse?, or not so mild?

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Listen to me, a wannabe singer.
Talk about me, to your lovers, to your friends.
Tell them about this girl with black eyes and a foolish dream.
I, I only want to write stories that will reach you,
and that's all.

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      You wake up to the heat of another body pressing to your back, gentle kisses fluttering over the side of your neck and soft hair tickling your chin.

      "Tae...what time is it?"

      He doesn't humor you with a response, you just feel his hand creep over your waist, to your stomach as it begins its path lover and lover, down your navel and even lover bit by teasing bit.

      Forcing your eyes open, you look at the clock.


      "We need to be at the academy in half an hour." you croak out, voice still scratchy from sleep.

      "That's plenty of time to work with." he let's out a playful chuckle, just as his hand reaches it's destination, making you squirm backwards into him, ticklish.

      When you finally do get ready after a while of playing around with Taehyung in bed, you both grab a cab to the academy to be there on time.

      You to attend a private class with one of the teachers and Tae to go teach his own group, or rather mentor them.

      It was a small thing that he enjoyed doing in his free time while he was working on his masters degree.

      You came to Paris for the same reason, the two of you were two pieces of a whole, your dynamic together was what got you so far, what made you so special.

      His mind was simply made to make music suited for your voice, and when you sang, it only sparked more ideas within that genius mind of his.

      It has been like that early on in Seoul when you were both in your awkward early twenties and it stayed that way for years.

      Everyone knew you as two pieces of a whole, so when you walk through the halls of the academy, it is already a well known fact that you are an item.

      Two people, one prodigy duo.

      "This is my stop." you turn to the classroom on the left, "Vocal training."

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