Hate (Jungkook)

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   - Office!AU, FriendsWithBenefits!AU, EnemiesToLovers!AU
   - Office manager reader, Director of administration Jungkook, Senior receptionist Hoseok, Executive assistant Jimin, Personal assistant Taehyung.
   - hate sex, hate sex turns too soft, emotionally constipated characters, smut, explicit sexual content, angst, fluff, jungkook is bad at feelings, reader is worse at feelings tho, reader is annoying, tantrums, fights, bitchin' about each other, jungkook not so much, blowjobs, oral sex, kissing, jimin is a godsent, taehyung is a little shit, but not really, hoseok is just there to roll eyes at everyone, office sex, secret fuck buddies, emotional breakdowns, reader is soooooo bad at feelings, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), happy ending

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      Jungkook liked his job.

      He liked improving this little work circle they had, helping out, overlooking managers and further enhancing their work ethics.

      He didn't mind distributing funds down to branches, developing organizational policies, maintaining corporate relationships.

      Fuck he didn't even argue when he was stuck with the task of hiring and training administrative staff.

      Jungkook liked his job.

      He has been repeating the mantra within his head for the past hour, as the vexatious girl kept poking at his nerves.

      Sometimes he imagined her as a harp player, picking at his nerves as if they were strings.

      She'd enjoy that image a bit too much probably.

      Y/N was by no means a bad person.

      She got along perfectly with all employees, at any level, her colleagues, her bosses, her bosses bosses, literally anyone.

      She'd walk into the office, stroll around the floor and work the room, making everyone bend to her every whim.  

      Wouldn't even try to display the bursts of bratty behavior that she tends to stick to when talking to Jungkook.

      You'd never think such a powerful brain and charm could go so low, to childishly pick on Jungkook as if they weren't grown adults.

      She'd take the best of Jungkook and make it disappear into thin air, leaving him only with immature anger issues, malicious intentions and a prayer to the gods to remove this woman from his sight as soon as possible.

      "I'm not signing that. The schedule is too tight, we won't meet the deadlines and it won't be a good look to the investors." she said, legs and arms both crossed.

      The thing is, Jungkook knew he was pushing deadlines too close, but to work out a deal, you just have to push yourself and the whole damn office on a tight schedule to impress others.

      The thing is, despite different titles, both Jungkook and Y/N were doing the same job.

      She got her bachelors degree and daddy pushed her straight up to the top.

      On the other hand, while Jungkook was struggling to graduate she gained three years of experience and agreed to be nice enough to take Jungkook under her wing, as she liked to state it.

      Jungkook was new to the job, but not dumb, he didn't need guidance, at least not from her, and he proved it quickly, climbing up in a matter of months to be her equal.

      That's when all the petty quarrels began, all of them similar to this one in particular.

      "No. I won't fucking sign it."

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