Matchmaker (3) (Jungkook)

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   - SingleParent!AU, ChristmasSpecial!AU
   - Preschool teacher reader, Single parent Jungkook
   - fluff, just fluff, christmas updates, winter themes, falling in love with a stranger, no smut, sorry to disappoint, angst, kids, family, divorce, first meeting, dates, hopefully its all just gonna be hella cute and sweet, maybe some mature language and themes, kids are matchmakers, maybe some smut or at least some making out, christmas dinner dates, loneliness idk why i made jungkook a very old culinary student, or car mechanic, just fits in my head, maybe more than one chapter, okaaaaayyyy a bit more sexual tension than i expected there to be

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      On Sunday morning the doorbell rings and both your and Jungkook's heads pop up to the sound.

      You were drinking your morning coffee while cuddling on the couch and just talking and you weren't expecting someone to come.

      "Maybe it's Taehyung...I didn't warn him not to bother me this weekend."

      Taehyung was Jungkook's best friend, that you met on one or two occasions when you went out with him and his own girlfriend.

      You sat up, getting your body off of Jungkook's so he could get up and open the door and awaited for his loud best friend to make his appearance.

      Instead when the door opened, everything seemed to quiet down significantly and your own curiosity got the best of you so you got up and took a look down the hallway leading to the front door.

      Jungkook was crouching down on the floor, his mother was at the front door and Kitae, who wasn't supposed to be here until you left was holding his hand up, letting his dad look at the cast he had on it.

      "I fell..." the boy sniffed lightly, showing that he must have been crying for a while.

      You just stood there quietly, feeling bad for the boy but also internally panicking about the talk that was bound to happen now that Kitae was here.

      It took mere seconds for the kid to look over at you and speak up with a question in his eyes.

      "Miss Y/N?"

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      Despite what they expected, the boy had caught onto his fathers little dates and talks with you a while ago.

      So when Jungkook and you finally acknowledged all his assumptions and theories he easily slid onto the couch besides you and dropped his head to lay in your lap while Jungkook saw his mother off to the front door.

      "It's starting to hurt more and more Miss Y/N." the boy whines as you run your hand over his hair softly, a comforting gesture.

      "The painkillers that the doctor gave you must be wearing off, and me just Y/N out of the classroom."

      "Is it weird for you?" the boy asked softly.

      "Now that I know. Do you feel weird?"

      And you sighed, not knowing wat to tell the boy.

      He was only six, it might be hard to wrap his head around his dad dating someone new.

      "'s only weird if we make it weird."

      "What does that even mean?"

      "It means...I guess...I guess nothing has to change between us. We're still friends, right? Just like in class. I don't think I was ever a strict or mean teacher, at least I felt like all of you were comfortable around me. We just keep it that way." you say and he sits up, nodding at you.

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