Dancing on edges (Suga)

381 15 17

   - Wedding!AU, Best friend!AU 
   - Best friend Suga
   - angst, fluff, sad ending, maybe an open ending, childhood friends, a lot of "what if's", sad, emotional cheating, cheating, suga has a best woman instead of a best man, and that woman is the bestest woman ever, a lot of almosts, a lot of cockblocking, other members may appear, friends to lovers, but it never happens actually

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      As you stand there watching him recite his vows, your happy tears taste bitter where they meet the corners of your wide smile.

      And you'll be scared to look at the pictures later to witness the scene of you passing them their rings.

      It's funny how you're the best man and they ridiculously decided on Jungkook being the so called maid of honor.

      He took the info like a champ and even came to the wedding in a lilac suit, to everyone's horror, to match the brides maids.

      And after it's all done and white petals are thrown in the air, the cameras are shuttering from three different sides and then everyone is getting up, clapping and making their way out.

      "A few more pictures of the maid of honor, best man and newly wedded couple." one of the photographers kept the four of you back and Yoongi turned to look for you.

      "Oh come on..." he whines, coming up closer and hugging you.

      "Why are you crying?" he asks, the timber of his voice felt even through his chest as you two hug tighter.

      "I'm just really fucking happy for you."

      He pulls away, both hands on your cheeks, thumbs brushing away tears and then he's pulling you forward for a kiss on the forehead.

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      You were outside on your front porch, waiting for him to show up.

      "Why the fuck did you call me to come over at 4 fucking AM?" he swore roughly as soon as he caught sight of you.

      You looked up at him, eyes full of tears and started sobbing even louder.

      "He broke up with me...Jimin he..." you felt a new pair of tears slide down your cheeks at the thought of the boy.

      Immediately your best friend was crouching down in front of you and brushing the tears away.

      First with the back of his fingers and then with his thumbs once he was gently cradling your cheeks in his hands.

      "What a fucking idiot he is, huh?"

      Yoongi was never good at comforting people, but his presence on it's own was enough to soothe you.

      "I almost loved him, I thought he was..."

      You thought he was the one who'd make you get over this hopeless crush you had on your best friend.

      Hence, why you almost loved him.

      "Exactly...almost. You didn't love him, so get over it." he sat down besides you, pulling you into a side hug.

      It felt so natural to lean into his body for warmth, to throw your own legs over his and lean on his chest and just cry it out.

      It gave so many mixed signals, how comfortable he was with it and yet never made a move to pursue you and even wished you all the best with every next boy.

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