Chapter 20

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~Kazumi's POV~

Thump. Thump.

My heart thudded in my ears loudly. I was breathing heavily after I had stopped screaming. My head was aching too much. 

I somehow shifted to the wrong side of the bed and fell on the hard ground. I held my head as I felt my world spinning before my eyes.

I saw hariyama looking at me through an expression I couldn't quite place. He was also sitting on the ground but a bit further from me.


I coughed out some blood as I felt a strong pain in my chest. I felt a hand roughly grabbing my chin and lifting my face. I noticed then that it was Madara's hand, making me look into his eyes.

" Calm down." I heard his demanding voice. 

Easier said than done hariyama.

There was another cough and some blood now fell on the Uchiha as well. I was losing my consciousness, I could feel it slipping away.

I tried controlling my breathing but suddenly I wasn't in control. I felt it. I felt my soul being locked for a second then surfacing again. I noticed the surprise and shock in Madara's behaviour. I could only think of one thing right now.

Was I phasing?

Mustering what strength I had left, I pushed him away and got on my feet. Although shaky and out of breath, I made my way to the bathroom.

I had to confirm if I was phasing or not.

~Madara's POV~

What is that woman thinking?! She can barely keep her head up and she decides to walk?! Women really are pathetic.

I took Kazumi's weak push as 'leave me alone' and as odd as it sounds, I obliged. I felt that what was happening to her was my fault so I was trying to make it right.

I saw her limping to the bathroom and sighed when she closed the door behind her. There was something wrong with her or was it something related to what I saw in her head?

For a moment when I was holding her face, her appearance changed. Her eyes turned white and so did the hair. Before I could make something out of it, the change was gone. What was she hiding?

I got on my feet and walked to the bathroom, knocking lightly on the door. I could hear faint movements from the inside but nothing concrete to give me an idea of what was going on.

I sighed in frustration and decided to use my sharingan but as soon as I activated it, my head ached with a powerful beat and my eyes went to normal. 

¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now