Chapter 26

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~Kazumi's POV~

" How much of the clan is left Uchiha? My feet are sore!" I whined in a hushes voice.

" Half of it." He answered nonchalantly. My jaw hug open and my shoulders slumped.

" I am never coming with you on clan rounds again." I told him.

It was true. He just asked me to accompany him on the clan rounds and I agreed. I never knew it would be this tiring. Especially since I had to wear a super heavy kimono.

I looked here and there, trying to avoid the stares of people and my eyes lit up when they landed upon a certain living creature.

Without a word to my " husband", I ran in the direction and almost sat on the dirty ground but refrained. I bent my legs to bring me close to the beautiful life.

I petted the cat on his head and under his head and his back and he simply purred in response.

" Why do you always have to dirty your hands by touching animals?"

I looked up at Madara and grinned. He looked shocked for a moment but expertly covered it up. " Because they deserve it."


" God! That wa tiring! And these clothes! Ugh! I must immediately change!" I exclaimed out loud and threw the shoes away and trotted in my room.

Madara did get a separate house. I had a separate room and so did he and Izuna.

I went to my room and quickly changed into the clothes of my condition.

I stretched and unknotted my sore joints then went into the kitchen to get a cool drink.

" Kazumi." Madara called from the living room. I casually went there with my drink in my hand.

" Hmm?" I asked and sipped the juice.

" Show me your free hand." I raised an eyebrow but shrugged and put my left hand in his'. I continued to drink and watch but choked on my juice when Madara gave me a glare and slipped the wedding ring back on. " This does not leave your finger, again. Understood?"

" Whatever-" He did not let me finish and pushed me into him, colliding our lips.

I did not resist anymore but I did not return either. And he was lucky that my glass was empty or they would have been hell to pay.

" I love you Kazumi."


" What do these stuck-up Uchihas do for fun here?" I asked myself as I looked around the house.

Madara and Izuan had gone to the main compound for some matters so I was all alone in the house now.

" I love you Kazumi."

I shook my head to stop myself from thinking about what hariyama said yesterday.

I walked in the backyard and looked around. I smirked and went back to my room and changed into my training clothes.

I had found a hitting dummy in the backyard and it was time to practice my moves again.

I practiced hard till the point where my hands started bleeding. I was a weak mess now so I wanted to get back into my former shape that Yasu and I built together.


Once I was sure I could not go any longer, I stopped and took a deep breath. However, when I released it, I felt nauseated.

I put my hand on my chest and took another breath but with the air that came out, there was blood.


I had no time to recover as blood kept pouring out of my mouth to the point where I could barely stand.

When there was a huge amount of blood lost, I collapsed. And in my moment of weakness, just one name escaped my lips before I went unconscious.

" Madara."


Picture is the different attires of our beloved Kazumi.

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Itachi_Warrior desu~ ^/_\^

¤Don't Expect Me To Bow To You¤ {Uchiha Madara AU} [NWA Winter'14 3rd Place]Where stories live. Discover now